Member since ‎2020 Dec 07

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I was starting on a function to replace characters that json needs to be escaped. But sybase is to clever and replaces \\n back into line break  The function: ALTER FUNCTION "DBA"."JsonEnc"(IN str LONG VARCHAR ) RETURNS LONG VARCHAR DETERMINISTIC B...
We had a database created like this: CREATE DATABASE 'norwegian.db' COLLATION '819NOR' NCHAR COLLATION 'UCA'; But got problems when trying to store characters outside that collation. So we reloaded the database to: CREATE DATABASE 'norwegian.db' COLL...
I'm trying: ALTER FUNCTION "DBA"."GetWebData"() RETURNS long varchar URL 'https://wis.no/filer/fjernhjelp.html' --TYPE 'HTTP:POST' --set 'HTTP(VERSION=1.1)' CERTIFICATE 'certificate=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIFaDCCBFCgAwIBAgISBNIdUcx83nq4AHn4apqe...
I'm trying to link tables from MS SQL Server(on Windows) to SQL Anywhere(on Linux) Have installed SQL Server driver: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/linux-mac/installing-the-microsoft-odbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver...
Is there a way to run a command line to get a DDL dump of an Advantage Database?I'm currently using Advantage Data Architect's GUI: Tools - Export Table structures as Code But looking to automate the DDL extraction.