Member since ‎2020 Dec 08

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I implemented BADI MB_MIGO_BADI and added a new sub-screen tab called Lot Detail.The business is requesting that after the PO is entered for a goods receipt that the "Quantity" tab be displayed first versus the tab "Lot Detail".  Can someone point me...
The following link seemed promising: https://community.sap.com/t5/application-development-blog-posts/how-to-create-a-custom-tab-for-migo-item-details/ba-p/13260106.  However, I am not able to complete steps three and four when it talks about appendin...
I am not very familiar with view clusters and need some help.  Our business wanted a field added to a drop down list.  I made the change in the domain being used by the filed in a table.  I transported the change to our test environment.  When I run ...
I am not familiar with credit card processing, and we need to implement EHP_BADI_BIL_CCARD in order to re-trigger a credit card authorization at time billing. I have implemented the BADI, added the appropriate business logic to my method in the event...
We are currently running WM ITS mobile on two different Windows Mobile devices using two different browsers without any issues. We are in the process of testing out our application on a Zebra TC52 Android device with Enterprise Browser and a wireless...