Dear All,
As per the guide, I have successfully installed NetWeaver Developer Edition 752 SP04. But while connecting to the system from GUI logon pad, I am getting the error "A:SY:002 Error DBIF_RTAB_SQL_ERROR occurred. P1=ABAP-generat".
From onl...
We have created list report app using fiori elements. We now wanted to raise a dialog on 'Save' action, so we have used ExtensionAPI for object page extensions
function onDialog(oEvent) {
if (!That._oDialog) {
Hello Guys,
Is it possible to create the dynamic sorted table with secondary keys??I know how to create the dynamic sorted table, just need to create the secondary keys for the same. where the keys will also be dynamic in nature
Hi All,
I am trying to achieve the navigation from SE91 long text message to specific application log but didnt find any links or standard settings in the SE91 transaction.
Please share the ideas on how to achieve this requirement.
I have gone ...
Hello Experts!!Since i didn't find the correct solution in the forum, Need your help to solve this issue.Currently i am displaying the ALV with some editable and non-editable fields. I have passed the LAYOUT-NO_ROWINS = 'X' so that no inert/delete bu...
There was no need to create such a report because the same requirement can be achieved by creating maintenance dialog for the table ZFI_SNCUSTOMER. Any specific reason for not creating table maintenance dialog?
Unfortunately there are no events triggered during PBO of the dynpro. Also you have to revisit the requirement because the enable/disable of cell in Table Control based on some other cell value can only be achieved partially.For example, while creati...
I think you have not mentioned the complete message raised by the framework i.e. "No maintenance authorization for cross-client tables (see Help)".So please click on the Help icon to open the message long text. It clearly explains the reason for rais...