Member since ‎2019 Dec 04

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I have a stored procedure like this: create procedure "dba"."xxx"( in @param1 integer,in @param2 integer,in @param3 varchar(4096) default '' ) begin if @param3 = '' then /* ... */ else /* ... */ end if end Since a long time this worked well ...
I am working with Report Builder 18 and sql anywhere 17 with the Native DB components. From time to time, when showing a report, Error -298 comes up. Documentation says, I have to synchronizes my threads to avoid this, but I have no idea where to do ...
Ich möchte die sqlanywhere Developer Edition neu installieren und brauche den Registrierungsschlüssel
This error happens when starting db17srv with a customers database I tried the option -ufd restart_escalate and -ufd escalate, but this resulted in the error Fehler im Befehl bei "ufd" (Error in command at "ufd" ) What can I do? Is there an option to...
We are using sqlanywhere 17 with Embarcadero Delphi under Windows and connect to the database with NativDB components (Liodden Data). This works very good. Recently I tried to use the odbc sqlanywhere 17 driver to get rid of third party components. S...
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