Member since ‎2007 May 29

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  • 36 Posts
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Hi All, I have some issues with a small library - it contains one table function getVariables and it is defined using the hdblibrary artefact. It deployed just fine and I can execute it from HANA Studio where the necessary rights is assigned (execu...
We want to create an SDA connection to another HANA system(on prem). In relation to this connection we need to forward session variables to the source system. We can add static content to the session variables for a connection by using the Extra Ad...
Hi All,A am trying to get at complex filtering scenario to work on a master/detail app. Essentially it needs to combine a search filter(user can enter a text that is searched in a projectID or projectLongtext) with a status filter(which is controlled...
Already back in May we saw the collaboration of Apple and SAP announced - and everyone is eager to see in details the fruits of that work. Well I don't work for SAP so I am not directly involved in the process of the development here - nevertheless I...
Hi All,I have successfully installed HXE (Server + apps) on a vmware fusion 8.5(mac) and allocated 32gb of mem and 100gb disk. It seems to start just fine - that is I can access the XS on port 8000, the instance agent on 50013.I cannot however connec...
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