Member since ‎2011 May 18

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Hi eveyrone. Its been some years the last time I did some abap coding so I am coming a bit rusty already.I have dilemma how to delete duplicates in my internal table. For example I have the following entries in the internal tableFld1        Field2   ...
Hi everyone!!!its me again! it's been quite a while since I posted on the forums. I do have another question from a newbie here.I am using convert to local currency to convert VBRK-NETWR from VBRK-KURRF to the local currency for Poland (PLN). data: l...
I have a very weird situation at hand. I have several pages in my interactive form. 6 pages total.Pages 3-6 have dynamic tables wherein I used a button to add rows to my tables. Page 3: 2 tables working okPage 4: 3 tables, 1st table working ok, the r...
Hello everyone,I am a new ABAP developer and our company is just starting with SAP. I am just confused as to when to use each one of these PARVW partner function. Based on the specs given to me, there were two conflicting instructions to get the buye...
Hi there,I have been researching in the forum how data conversion is done in ABAP and I found out about the function modulesCONVERSION_EXIT_LDATE_OUTPUTandMONTH_NAMES_GETIt seems that the first function module can convert the date format 06/08/2011 t...