Member since ‎2009 Aug 09

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Hi, I have a scenario where a HTTPS Endpoint is exposed using API Management: Target Endpoint is a SAP CPI iFlow HTTPS EndpointCPI is configured for Client Certificate Authentication using Certificate-to-user mappingAPI Proxy of type URL is creat...
Hi,I am new to SAP API Management.While going through some of the blogs and the GitHub examples, I found that there are places / variables that use predefined keywords to get their values.Examples:request.header.apikey to read the api key from reques...
Hi,Is it possible to hide the default KPI Tiles for an OPInt Scenario: Open Instances, % Completed On Time.... ?Regards,Joyer
Hi,I want to create a Count Measure for my Business Scenario and in the Filter have an attribute whose value needs to be an expression and not just a simple value.For example:Instead of the following:I would like to have something like:Can someone pl...
Hi All,We have implemented GRC 10 AC & creating users in R/3 system through it.I have a requirement -     When we create user in R/3 system with GRC, the same user should be created in SAP Portal 7.0 as well.     Also portal role assignment to the sa...