I am looking for a query to lookup a contacperson by searching his/hers telephone number. But we have to ignore various signs like: +, -, space , (, ) in the query.
With the select format we can only find the contactperson if the phone n...
We are creating a FMS on a UDF Magazijnlocatie in a documentrow but the field Item No. is not available. We want to select the Item No. as the field which triggers the FMS in the UDF to change when ithe ItemCode is changed.
Also the sel...
We are importing from Excel as per 1-1-2023
Assets from former years 2017 and before which are still in use but fully depreciated (older than 60 months, remaining useful life of 0 months and net book value 0,00) cannot be imported. The message Asse...
The Dutch statistics authority CBS requires a tax ID QV999999999999 in the intrastat report when selling to a customer in another EU country without Tax ID. This tax ID however is rejected by SAP Business One.
Does anyone know how we can solve ...
Yes I did but to no result:SELECT T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName], T1.[Name], T1.[Tel1] as 'Telefoon1 CP', T1.[Tel2] as 'Telefoon2 CP', T1.[Cellolar] as 'Mobiel CP', T1.[Fax] as 'Telefoon1 ALG', T0.[Phone1], T0.[Phone2] as 'Telefoon2 ALG', T0.[Fax] as '...
I found the solution with help from a colleague: as you can see the field Vendor is active, so the Auto refresh Fields list is from the top of the document. When you go on in the document to the row and activate the field "Magazijnlocatie" then the l...