2005 Oct 19 1:22 PM
i am new to net weaver during installation .I specified the wrong version of java(i had 2 versions installed in the system 1.3 and 1.4)now i would like to change it to 1.4 .as i have problems running "C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\j2ee\admin\go.bat"..could some body please help
2005 Oct 21 6:42 PM
What you need to do is to fix your JAVA_HOME environment variable. If you already defind it to the correct version of Java, you can hardcode in the go.bat file as following:
set JAVA_CMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java"
) else (
echo WARNING Environment variable JAVA_HOME not set, try to launch java from current PATH
set JAVA_CMD="<<your java home installation directory>>\bin\java"
good luck,
2005 Nov 07 9:34 AM