2006 Jan 03 7:08 AM
I newbe in SAPGUI for java, itry to change frondend GUI from Windows GUI frondend to LINUX frondend.
I'm as sap basis.
I don't have problem in installing SAPGUI for java in LINUX, but after i install, i try to check print view, the print view so bad different from windows print view, the font and the looks not good, i don't know how to solve that problem.
Could anybody tell us how to solve it?
Thank you
2006 Jan 03 8:38 AM
I had the same prob a few month ago.
Note 605467 and 634158 give me a solution.
regards herbert
2006 Jan 04 2:51 AM
Hi Herbert,
Thanks for your replay
I have try the notes Note 605467 and 634158.
the step :
1. tcode se11
2. type tsp09 and then display --> utilities --> table contents --> Create entry --> ZJV.
and i try to diplay the print view from tcode sp01, but the result is still same.
Do i miss something or moss the step?
2006 Jan 04 11:03 AM
Have an other look on note 305656
What release do you have on your side ?
2006 Jan 11 9:12 AM
Dear Herbert,
Thank you for your replay,
i have take a look at 305656 note, but i can't find the solution, i have try so many way, but the problem still exist.
I use LINUX SUSE 9 and new SAPGUI for Java 6.40.
I have this problem almost 1 year, but unil now i can't find the answer of my solution.
Do you have another way to solve the print view problem?
Thank you
2006 Jan 11 10:59 PM
Dear Fransiskus
perhaps it cut help to install an other Java VM.
I'm sorry but I have no other idea regarding this issue.
2006 Jan 12 2:49 PM
I would expect the SAPGUI version is the difference. Herbert, did you use 6.30 at that time (and not 6.40) ?
Best regards
2006 Jan 12 10:10 PM
One my notebook I used:
SAPGUI for Java 6.40 rev 4
(Version ID 064000040400)
Build: Thu Sep 1 02:10:41 MEST 2005 on uw1059
Java VM: Sun Microsystems Inc. Version 1.4.2_09-b05
OS: Windows XP(x86) Version 5.1
The customer used the same SAPGUI version. It was quite a big installation, more than 9000 printers are hanging on that system. As far as I how all clients where LINUX-based, but I don't know which Version or Java VM they use. After working thru the note the preview runs.
Best regards