This SAP CodeJam event is on the topic of SAP Build, specifically about creating apps, business processes and business sites without coding.
You will get to know the environment by creating:
You will get to know the SAP Build lobby, where you access all your SAP Build Artifacts, and get a deep understanding of all 3 SAP Build tools and how they work together.
Please bring your own laptop with power adapter. A supported Web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox etc. You will be provided login credentials during the CodeJam and the underlying BTP environment is already configured with required services. An outline of the CodeJam is available in our SAP Build Code Jam repo.
This is an in-person event only (not virtual) and is planned for Friday, February 23rd, 2024 from 10:00AM - 3:00PM hours US Central Time. The language of the event and the content will be English.
Address: 800 N Washington Ave unit 905, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA
The instructor is Developer Advocates @thomas_jung
The event is kindly being hosted by Mindset Consulting, thank you! Please note that spaces are limited – we can only accommodate 25 attendees. If you are willing to attend, register by clicking Yes button in the Will you be attending? section.
Thanks @thomas_jung - we're really excited to host this event and bring together some of the SAP community in the Twin Cities!
Exciting opportunity for developers in Minneapolis area! Hoping to have an event in our neck of the woods (NC) some day. Thanks for organizing this!
I am from Arizona!
I have RSVPed the event! Is that all? Or do i need to register separately?
let me know so that I can book tickets asap!
thanks in advance!