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Cannot submit my edited post

0 Kudos

When I edit my post, as soon as I click on "Submit your Question", I get this error message.

An Internal error has occurred and we are sorry for the inconvenience.

We are doing our best to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

It works now.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Active Contributor

This error used to be - until yesterday - in the same general format as the rest of the Today I got the error in BIG BOLD letters and nothing else on the screen. Here is the screen shot - definitely a change. Catches your attention much better!

Oh, and forgot to mention, this formatting does not waste much white space, uses big bold letter, easy to read, etc, etc.... 😜

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I can confirm that this bug not yet been resolved!

Still unable to edit my posts... Only moderators can do it, but not because question authors!

P.S. Martin, please read here:

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I had it too the other day. I copied the content, closed the browser and started fresh and it worked. I guess the system did not remember that I am logged in even it showed my avatar correctly and was not able to auto login me with a refresh of the page.

But I am a moderator and I am usually able to edit any post. But I remember a bug reported a couple weeks ago already where users could not edit their own content which had not yet a reply. This bug might not yet been resolved.