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Getting nullhttps in the URL while inviting a candidate in Late Stage application

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Hello Experts,

During testing we are facing an issue where we are sending an invite to and internal candidate for late stage application. However, the job posting URL which is getting sent for the candidate to apply contains "nullhttps" in the start of the link.

Could someone please help me with this issue as I am unable to figure out the cause.


Rahul Sen

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The issue you are facing where the job posting URL contains "nullhttps" in the start of the link could be caused by a couple of different factors. Here are a few things you can check to help identify the root cause of the problem:

Check the code: Check the code that generates the job posting URL and make sure that there are no errors or bugs that could be causing the issue.

Check the data: Check the data that is being used to generate the job posting URL and make sure that all the required fields are populated correctly. If any fields are missing or contain incorrect data, it could be causing the issue.

Check the email template: Check the email template that is being used to send the job posting URL to the internal candidate. Make sure that the URL is being inserted into the email template correctly and that there are no formatting issues or extra characters being added to the URL.

Check the email service: Check the email service that is being used to send the email and make sure that there are no issues with the service that could be causing the problem.

Check with the vendor: If the job posting URL is being generated by a third-party vendor, check with them to see if there are any known issues or bugs that could be causing the problem.

By checking these different factors, you should be able to identify the root cause of the issue and take the necessary steps to resolve it.


Rachel Gomez

0 Kudos

Hi Rachel,

Thanks for the insight. However, the URL doesnt not contain "nullhttps" for external candidates where it is present for internal candidate. Is this because the job posting code is different for internal candidates and external candidates?


Rahul Sen.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Rachel,

One of my customer is also facing the same issue. When the late-stage application is triggered the email notification with the invite link is showing null at the start of the URL for internal candidates. Could you please kindly advise what would be the possible root cause?