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Inputs needed for Solution Architecture Diagram

0 Kudos

Hi Experts,
I am relatively new to SAP. Am upgrading my skillset from other IT technologies to SAP.
Below is a diagram that I intend to present as a part of an assignment.
I am not providing the scenario based on which the diagram has been created by me. All I need your kind advise
if there are any glaring mistakes in the solution diagram, like:
-anything that is conceptually wrong in terms of the architecture and labeling,
-any redundant products/ services/ features,
-the placement of products/ services in a zone/group
...and would appreciate the reason as why it is a mistake.
Alternatives are most welcome.
Thanks much

IT Architecture DiagramIT Architecture Diagram



Hi Shrini,
one comment: you have put all SAP products as "Private Cloud on GCP". My recommendation would be, to differentiate: Some of these products running on SAP BTP as public cloud solutions (and hence will end up at the Hyperscaler clouds). Note, that not every product runs on every Hyperscaler. Other SAP Cloud products are "pure" SaaS solutions running on SAP data centers. The diagram below illustrates this for the area of procurement. 


I hope this helps.

0 Kudos

Hi Peter, Thank you for your inputs and time.

Since it is a private cloud implementation, for ease of integration with all these SAP products/ services, can you please advise if it is correct to depict that:
1. all the applications/ products like S/4HANA Cloud, Ariba, SuccessFactors, SAP Sustainability Footprint Management etc are placed in SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud zone/group on a private cloud hyper-scalar?
2. BTP services as a separate zone/group on the same private cloud hyper-scalar which works with SAP HEC?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

To add to Peter's comments : there's some branding changes to be aware (PFM is now "SAP Sustainability Footprint Management" and belongs in your BTP box as a SaaS app, AIN is now "SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration",.  Your SRM Ariba app - if you are meaning the standard supplied app from SAP is called "SAP Business Network Supplier App" (the one suppliers use as opposed to SAP Ariba Shopping app for employees)". Success Factors and Ariba are really umbrella brands/former company names - i would list the key "product names" instead like you did for S4 modules e.g. Ariba Buying, Ariba Sourcing or SF Employee Central, SF Payroll, SF Recruiting etc as Success Factors/Ariba are not specific products. Also i think you missed the Learning Hub backend?   Creating an easy to understand 1 pager is always a bit of an art i find as it needs to make sense to your stakeholders (not sure if they are business or technical folks and i don't know them:-)). SAP product names often don't make sense to the uninitiated but should be accurate...... and its always useful therefore as Peter shows to refer to actual capabilities.

0 Kudos

Hi Simon, Thank you for your time and helping me improve the diagram and include a missing component.
I like your comment "Creating an easy to understand 1 pager is always a bit of an art i find as it needs to make sense to your stakeholders." and agree with you.