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Universal ID - Problems

Active Contributor

For me, it's not possible to log into the correct Account to participate here since last week. It's really annoying to not get any update on that subject and also it steals time to try it over and over again.

Normally I can choose between my linked accounts which is the correct one. Right now it just logs me just in one account, which is not the correct one and I have no chance to change it.

Do you guys also be aware of that situation and can anyone give me an update.. It think I'm not the only one facing this problems.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Florian,

The Universal ID team will deploy a change on 20 Oct which will enable folks to define the linked account that will be used when logging in to do tutorials. An announcement will be posted in the Devtoberfest group along with any procedural steps that might be needed to ensure you can select the desired account.

Active Contributor

So.. date is here.. patch is not. Just tried to log on and still the same issue. Via twitter I also have others complaining about it.

Sorry.. not cool.. really isn't.

Active Contributor

@Florian  I had the same issue for the past week.  Same as Uwe on Twitter.

I submitted an incident, and just got off a Teams call with SAP Support.  The issue for me was an inactive C user was associated with my email address that I was using for Universal ID.  SAP Support changed the email on the inactive C user and suddenly I can log on with my Universal ID.

I hope the same works for you and Uwe.  I can't get to Twitter (blocked at work) so please let Uwe know.


Hi Tammy,

I'm back. Thank you again for your hint.

SAP Marketplace, SCN and Groups are working fine now. Unfortunatelly still doesn't ask which user (P-/S-) I want to use and logs me directy in with the wrong user.

So, still no #Devtoberfest missions for me...


I'm a week+ behind.  I was going to do Devtoberfest last Saturday but was stopped by UID problems.  Today I have too many meetings to do Devtoberfest.  Let's see.  Like you, I made it to Level 2 this week without completing any missions.


Still the same issue as Uwe mention. And 4 days later still no reaction...

do I have to add something here..


Okay, after locked out for the weekend again, I'm back without Azure AD problems this morning.

For the only remaining problem (no choose option for users on I've found a strange workaround today.

Maybe you know the site "". If you login here with your UId, you can swap your user on the fly. The user you choose here will also be used on If it doesn't work directly, you have to logout first and than login again.


Just got some insides today I want to share with you because I think this is important for the future of the Universal Id Service:

  • Platforms that only have transactions / events related to the person themselves should work with the UID as a whole and ignore underlying S-users / P-users other than for content migration. (This would be Community / Developer / Help Portal / Learning platforms / etc)

(Note - Developer should work this way sometime later this quarter, and in the meantime you can use the workaround I've described above here in the group)

  • Platforms that have transactions / events that require underlying S-users for authorizations should have an account selector inside the platform to allow changing context at any time without authentication again.
    (Like the demo site I mentioned above)

(SAP for Me and Partner Applications should work this way when they move to enhanced SAP Universal ID integration)

  • Platforms that require a specific S-user for a specific transaction should automatically select the correct user if it is part of the SAP Universal ID

for instance, if I click ‘Get Help’ from SAP S/4HANA Cloud, the system wants to know if you have a support authorization for the tenant

or if I click a link from my email to renew a specific order associated with one of my linked S-users

  • Login to older platforms will still require a selecting during the login process as they do not understand the full user model of the SAP Universal ID and that 1-time selector allowed us to embed UID support into thousands of websites / applications that work with legacy S-users and P-users.

A blog post of the team will follow later.

Cheers, Uwe

Ping @TammyPowlas (as promised)

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi Florian,

Sorry about the inconvenience and the delay. I spoke with the UID team today and the fix is ready and will be deployed on Monday. This thread will be updated Mon with a link to a blog post that explains how to switch accounts so you get back to the one with the tutorial history. 

Active Contributor

Okay, to be serious. The problem is still there. Just tried it a minute ago. I'm really disappointed about the flow here.

Can you give us an update when there will be progress. Not to mention that I might not complete the tutorials I want to because I missed a lot time due the issue here.

0 Kudos

I faced the same problem. Try to login form incognito mode.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I am facing the issue with Universal ID from Day 1 . I could-not log in till now(except one time when i set password)!!!! Its really annoying.

I had my email id changed from SAP when i officially changed my name. So my old email id i couldn't Link with the account i created..I contacted the team via IT ticket and technically the application doesnot allow to enter old email id which still work.. So bad!!! But the team have added my old email id via backend.

Currently I  am facing the issue that :

I am not able to login now with the password I set !!!

If I click on Forgot password it provides a link to Rest but it ask old password!!!!

How would that work if user forgot the password? I don't know how this application is up without proper end user scenario testing!!!.

It was better with a simple SSO login like it was before for Too many complicated procedures!!!


Me too. I have been switching between Chrome (web browser) instances. If I logged on to BTP trial, then I would need to open HANA or BAS or kyma etc in another browser instance, e.g. with another google user id or in incogonito mode. (I posted a question here. Fiori is just one of the issues.)

Active Contributor

as it looks like there will be no solution in time..

Weekend gone and no chance to add some to my board.

thanks for organizing the devtoberfest..

Community Advocate
Community Advocate

Following is a link with instructions on how to switch accounts so that you can access the correct tutorial history and ensure your tutorial completions are stored against the correct account.

Active Contributor

So I was preparing for SAP TechEd workshops and discovered a new problem with Universal ID and the apparent 1:1 relationship of Phone Numbers to accounts:


Support email trail picture, but here's the text

Original Request:
I tried to use my mobile number to get a BTP trial and because my phone is used for another account - I can't update the mobile number.

Can you please set my phone for P1214578662 to use +61 4111 41614? - Note - I should be able to use the same number for my personal account and my customer's account I would think...
Matt Harding

Hi Matt,

Thank you for reaching out, you can only verify one number against one account. It does not matter if it is a P or S user account. If you are looking to reuse a number, please login to and sign in with the User ID and Password. 

You can then change the phone number to something generic eg + 61 1234 56789. Then you will be able to reuse the number that was tied to that specific account

Kind Regards,


SAP SSO Support


My response to this:

Hi Aaron,

This doesn't really work as a solution - My Universal Id has my number against it, so I obviously cannot change that (it makes me verify it if I change it). And going to that page, only lets me change my universal id phone number. It's my S-ID phone number I probably have to change, but then won't I have an issue there.
How do I change the S-ID phone number? Also, can you please address this fundamentally as I only have 1 number but a Universal Id, an S User account (customer) and a P user account (personal)?


Here is information I received regarding this issue:

UID does not capture mobile numbers yet. It is planed with the OSLP migration to have phone on UID level in the personal info section. As already described by the 1st level support IDS requires uniqueness in phone verification. If the phone number is already assigned to an IDS account then it cannot be used for another account. Hence, the user needs to remove the number from one account to add and verify it on the other account.


Which is obviously a data model design flaw then...