Learn about proper community behavior by completing the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial, then celebrate when one of your answers is accepted or you receive 3 up-votes on any combination of your answers.
Make your opinion count by reading and then voting on a question and an answer.
Read and voted on any combination of 15 questions and answers.
(Prerequisite: I Voted!)
Read and voted on any combination of 15 questions and answers.
(Prerequisite: I Voted!)
Participated in SAP Community on Star Wars Day (May 4, 2021).
You performed at least one of the following activities:
Participated in SAP Community on International Game Masters Day (March 4, 2020). You performed at least one of the following activities:
Registered to attend SAP TechEd in 2020
This mission introduced you to the development, testing and deployment of a simple Node.js app on SAP Business Technology.