Took a tour of the SAP Community (by completing the Tour the SAP Community tutorial). Learned about profile settings, the SAP Community Rules of Engagement, creating questions and blog posts, and following content, tags, and people.
Took a tour of the SAP Tutorial Navigator and learn how to complete tutorials and earn badges.
Learn about proper community behavior by completing the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial, then celebrate when one of your answers is accepted or you receive 3 up-votes on any combination of your answers.
Make your opinion count by reading and then voting on a question and an answer.
Read and voted on any combination of 15 questions and answers.
(Prerequisite: I Voted!)
Read and voted on any combination of 15 questions and answers.
(Prerequisite: I Voted!)
Say hello to the SAP Community! Personalize your community experience by following content, tags, and members.
Get the most out of the community by telling us about yourself. Fill out or update the basic elements of your profile.
Participated in SAP Community on World Egg Day (October 9, 2020). You performed at least one of the following activities:
You enrolled in a course on openSAP, SAP's free open online course provider, to start your learning journey!
You explored new skills and successfully completed one openSAP course to earn your first Record of Achievement.
You successfully completed two openSAP courses and you start to shine like the star that you are! Look at all those new skills!