Took a tour of the SAP Community (by completing the Tour the SAP Community tutorial). Learned about profile settings, the SAP Community Rules of Engagement, creating questions and blog posts, and following content, tags, and people.
Created and designed an attractive Portal site by adding pages, linking to apps and adding an SAP Fiori app to a launchpad page in the site.
Prerequisite mission: Solver
Share your expertise and have more of your answers accepted or up-voted.
Learn about proper community behavior by completing the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial, then celebrate when one of your answers is accepted or you receive 3 up-votes on any combination of your answers.
Make your opinion count by reading and then voting on a question and an answer.
Say hello to the SAP Community! Personalize your community experience by following content, tags, and members.
Participated in SAP Community on Captain Picard Day (Stardate 47457.1). You performed at least one of the following activities:
Participated in SAP Community on Morse Code Day (April 27, 2020). You performed at least one of the following activities:
Participated in SAP Community on Ada Lovelace's birthday (December 10, 2019)
You performed at least one of the following activities:
You enrolled in a course on openSAP, SAP's free open online course provider, to start your learning journey!
You explored new skills and successfully completed one openSAP course to earn your first Record of Achievement.
You achieved level: Steel
Be a true Myth Buster! Complete the SAP Learning Hub Myth Buster Challenge by voting in all five of the polls. Click the gear to flip the tile and find out how
Vote in a poll for the SAP Learning Hub Myth Buster Challenge and share your experience. Click the gear to flip the tile and find out how
Bookmark the SAP Learning Hub Myth Buster Challenge blog post on SCN
Carve your name on the SCN wall. Log in once.
You're almost ready to jump in and participate. Follow some members, provide feedback on some content, and post a status update. Prerequisite mission: Ready Set (Go!)
Get ready to contribute! Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, and read about how to search. Prerequisite mission: Ready (Set Go!)
It's time to show us who you are. Fill out your user profile and add an avatar.
5 visits