Toured the SAP Community and explored the various features of SAP Community, got to know new Groups, and discovered how to get the most out of your membership. You learned how to get started and navigate through SAP Community; how to follow content, tags, people; how to engage with other members.
Took a tutorial about updating and maintaining your SAP profile. Learned about searching, sorting, and filtering your content; setting up notifications; viewing and sharing your reputation, and more.
Learn about proper community behavior by completing the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial, then celebrate when one of your answers is accepted or you receive 3 up-votes on any combination of your answers.
Published your first blog post. (If you don't have the right permissions to submit your draft, complete the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial to learn about our blogging processes and to trigger the necessary permission change.)
Make your opinion count by reading and then voting on a question and an answer.
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