Prerequisite mission: Blogger
This blogging thing is kinda cool! Published some more blog posts that contained good content and that attracted good feedback:
Published your first blog post. (If you don't have the right permissions to submit your draft, complete the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial to learn about our blogging processes and to trigger the necessary permission change.)
Say hello to the SAP Community! Personalize your community experience by following content, tags, and members.
Registered to attend SAP TechEd in 2022.
Attendee at SAP TechEd 2015 Las Vegas
Attendee at SAP TechEd && d-code 2014 Las Vegas
Attendee at SAP TechEd && d-code 2014 Berlin
You found and introduced yourself to the roving SCN Community Advocate at TechEd && d-code 2014.
Attendee at SAP TechEd 2013 Las Vegas
You achieved level: Platinum
You like blogging, but you're active in other types of content too. Share your thoughts on other members' content by commenting or rating. Reply to a thread in the discussion forums. Prerequisite mission: Storyteller
You have a lot to say, and you like to say it in a blog. Write more blogs that attract likes and good ratings. Prerequisite mission: In a Blogging Mood
This blogging thing is kinda cool! Post some more blogs that contain good content and attract likes and good ratings. Prerequisite mission: I Blogged!
Read about proper community behavior on SCN, then create your first blog.
Your content item was recognized by the SCN homepage editors as a high-quality contribution and was highlighted in the rotating features at the top of the SCN homepage.
Your quality contributions and exemplary engagement in a topic area let your expertise shine. You were recognized as a Topic Leader in the 2014-2015 contest period.
Your quality contributions and exemplary engagement in a topic area let your expertise shine. You were recognized as a Topic Leader in the 2013-2014 contest period.
Your quality contributions and exemplary engagement in a topic area let your expertise shine. You were recognized as a Topic Leader in the 2012-2013 contest period.
Accept the Data Geek Challenge
Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, then celebrate when your answer to a question is marked Correct!
Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, then celebrate when your answer to a question is marked Helpful!
Carve your name on the SCN wall. Log in once.
Come out of the shadows and start engaging with the community! Provide feedback on the content you read.
Read and bookmark the revised Rules of Engagement then show your knowledge in a poll. Mission ends on February 1, 2014
Show you care for this Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres program!
Engage with other space moderators and editors on SCN. Prerequisite mission: Ready (Set, Go!) (Note: this mission is open only to SCN Moderators and Space Editors)
Checked in at the SCN Clubhouse at SAP TechEd (Prerequisite: entered your SCN ID in your TechEd registration)
You're almost ready to jump in and participate. Follow some members, provide feedback on some content, and post a status update. Prerequisite mission: Ready Set (Go!)
Get ready to contribute! Read and bookmark the SCN Rules of Engagement, and read about how to search. Prerequisite mission: Ready (Set Go!)
It's time to show us who you are. Fill out your user profile and add an avatar.
Vote for the best SCN Founder video via poll on SCN
Find the "SAP Learning Hub Free Courses Overview" document using the search feature on SCN. Once you've found the document, bookmark it.