Got started with SAP BTP, ABAP Environment by creating a trial user and ABAP cloud project.
"Published your first blog post. (If you don't have the right permissions to submit your draft, complete the Tour the SAP Community 2023 tutorial to learn about our blogging processes and to trigger the necessary permission change.)
Say hello to the SAP Community! Personalize your community experience by following content, tags, and members.
Participated in SAP Community on International Game Masters Day (March 4, 2020). You performed at least one of the following activities:
Organized, volunteered for, spoke at, or attended any virtual SAP Community event in 2022. This extraordinary badge had been created for all members who went the extra mile and transformed a physical event to a virtual event.
Volunteered at an SAP Community event in 2022.
Attended an SAP Community event in 2022.
Organized an SAP Inside Track event in 2021.
Organized, spoke at, or volunteered for any virtual SAP Community event in 2021. This extraordinary badge has been created for all members who went the extra mile and transformed a physical event to a virtual event. It got awarded in addition to the standard badge of the same type of event.
Spoke at an SAP Inside Track event in 2019.
Volunteered at an SAP Inside Track event in 2019.
Spoke at an SAP Inside Track event in 2018.
Registered to attend SAP TechEd in 2023.
Registered to attend SAP TechEd in 2022.
Registered to attend SAP TechEd in 2021
Registered to attend SAP TechEd in 2020
Attendee at SAP TechEd Las Vegas in 2019. Register to attend SAP TechEd 2019 Las Vegas and provide the link to your community profile page.
You learned about the latest SAP technologies and completed the required Developer Tutorials at an SAP TechEd this year. You built your first apps using S/4 Extensions, ABAP as a Service, Cloud Application Programming Model and more.
You learned about the latest SAP technologies and completed the required Developer Tutorials in advance of SAP TechEd this year. You built your first SAP Cloud Platform Workflow application. You qualified to be entered into the drawing for a 2019 SAP TechEd show floor pass!
Attendee at SAP TechEd Las Vegas in 2018. Register to attend SAP TechEd 2018 Las Vegas and provide the link to your community profile page.
As part of Devtoberfest 2021 - completed tutorial: Create Table Persistence and Generate Data
You achieved level: Aluminum
Carve your name on the SCN wall. Log in once.
It's time to show us who you are. Fill out your user profile and add an avatar.