2020 Feb 25 10:26 AM
Internal session terminated with a runtime error DBSQL_DUPLICATE_KEY_ERROR
Please let me know why this error is coming when I am executing a report in SAP.
2020 Feb 25 10:29 AM
There could have several possible error.
Run transaction ST22, find the corresponding dump, and get the description error & the corresponding code.
The basis of this error is, you try to insert a row in a table, but a key for this row already exist. It is a fatal error to protect the database integrity.
If it is a standard program, it could be someone playing with range number (set the range number to a number already used)
2023 Aug 06 8:28 AM
IF This is occuring while doing a GR or creating a PO, then it means that the doc number which is being generated is used by other for creating PR OR PO. You can create a new group and assign a new number range to it. This solved my problem.
2023 Aug 06 9:22 AM
The question was so generic (can happen in thousands of cases) that your answer will be invisible to people looking for an answer, so I recommend that you post your own question AND answer, describing the problem you had in details (the question), and how you solved it (the answer). Thanks!