2006 Mar 21 4:48 AM
Hi all,
I'm trying to print the barcode by using the Zebra2746E EPL printer.
I'm using the file created from the software Bartender to print the barcodes.
I'm uploading the file in the So10 transaction and using the same in the SAPScript.
The main problem is when we fire the print from my program it is creating the spool.
But its giving error.
In spool it's giving "Internal Error while Printing".
We are using the device type LB_ZEB and the character set 9162.
The access method is F: Frontend Printing.
Host printer is I.p. address of the system to which the printer is connected.
We have tried also uploading the ZLB_ZEB device type also.
But its giving the same error.
Please tell me where we are going wrong whether withh the programming or configuring the printer.
Please tell me how to resolve this problem and any other method to print the barcodes.
This printer is not compatible for smartforms.
It's very Urgent.
Waiting for the reply...
Narasimha Rao.
2006 Mar 21 5:25 AM
Details information about SAP Barcodes
A barcode solution consists of the following:
- a barcode printer
- a barcode reader
- a mobile data collection application/program
A barcode label is a special symbology to represent human readable information such as a material number or batch number
in machine readable format.
There are different symbologies for different applications and different industries. Luckily, you need not worry to much about that as the logistics supply chain has mostly standardized on 3 of 9 and 128 barcode symbologies - which all barcode readers support and which SAP support natively in it's printing protocols.
You can print barcodes from SAP by modifying an existing output form.
Behind every output form is a print program that collects all the data and then pass it to the form. The form contains the layout as well as the font, line and paragraph formats. These forms are designed using SAPScript (a very easy but frustratingly simplistic form format language) or SmartForms that is more of a graphical form design tool.
Barcodes are nothing more than a font definition and is part of the style sheet associated with a particular SAPScript form. The most important aspect is to place a parameter in the line of the form that points to the data element that you want to represent as barcode on the form, i.e. material number. Next you need to set the font for that parameter value to one of the supported barcode symbologies.
The next part of the equation can be a bit tricky as you will need to get a printer to print that barcode font. Regular laser printers does not normally print barcode fonts, only specialized industrial printers that is specifically designed to support that protocol and that uses specialized label media and heat transfer (resin) ribbon to create the sharp image required for barcodes.
Not to fear though, there are two ways to get around this:
- You can have your IT department do some research -
most laser printers can accept a font cartridge/dimm chip (similar to computer memory), called a BarDIMM that will allow a laser printer to support the printing of barcodes.
- Secondly, you can buy software that you can upload in your SAP print Server that will convert the barcode symbology as an image that will print on a regular laser printer. I found that this option results in less sharper barcodes. This option is really if you need to convert a large quantity of printers (>10) to support barcodes.
- Thirdly, you can buy a third party software like Barcode.dll and install on your frontend PC connected to the laser printer.
Now you have a barcode printed - what next?
Well there are two options, depending on your business requirements:
- You can use an existing SAP transaction on a regular workstation and get a barcode wedge reader to hook up between the keyboard and the PC. These wedge readers comes in a wand or scanner format. There are even wireless wedge scanners available that allows you to roam a few yards from the workstation to scan a label. This approach is mostly used where you want to prevent human errors in typing in long material, batch or serial numbers in receiving or issuing of material. The problem is that it's just replacing the keyboard input and you are basically locked down in one location and have to bring all the material to that location to process.
- Another solution is to use SAPConsole transactions
or write your own ABAP Dialog programs that will fit onto a barcode enabled wireless handheld terminal and that will follow the business logic as executed on the shop floor.
These programs are highly complex exercises in industrial engineering and ergonomics because of the limited screen sizes and limited ability to accept keyboard input. The user is instructed step-by-step and only scan and push F-keys to interact with the SAP system. Scan, scan, beep, beep, enter - highly automated.
Barcode Standard
To Create a Bar code prefix:
1) Go to T-code - SPAD -> Full Administration -> Click on Device Type -> Double click the device for which you wish to create the print control -> Click on Print Control tab ->Click on change mode -> Click the plus sign to add a row or prefix say SBP99 (Prefix must start with SBP) -> save you changes , it will ask for request -> create request and save
2) Now when you go to SE73 if you enter SBP00 for you device it will add the newly created Prefix
2006 Mar 21 8:36 AM
Dear kishan,
Thanks for the information.
But, this is not wat i want.
I'm unable to print anything from the program i have generated by using Bartender software.
Can u please help me in this regard..
2007 Nov 19 7:30 AM
Hi Simha,
Did you get any solution on this.
I too am working on a Zebra printer TLP 3842, which supports only EPL and not ZPL. So smartforms are ruled out of designing the labels can we go with SAP Scripts ? If so please let me know the s/w you used to generate the EPL code.
Thank you,
Yugandhar K
2007 Nov 20 3:22 AM
Hi ,
We installed New Printer and (Zebra Z4 M PLUS (300 DPI)) ( TLP-3842) Which supports ZPL.
Printing the Barcode lable Using SMARTFORMS with output type: ZLABELZEBRA and Device Type: ZLZEB2 (203 DPI ) .
Bar code is printing but in Bottom of the label space also is printing.
But they dont want space in Bottom of the label, client need whole label without space. ( The Lable size is 4*6 Inchs)
And also Horizontal lines are not displaying for each paragraph.
2) If I take another Device Type: ZLZEB3 ( 300 DPI ).
If I execute with device type: ZLZEB3 (300 DPI)
The output is displaying with out space in bottom (4 * 6 Inches Label ) and with No data (No data and No Barcode )
Even I changed the smartform font styles , size and aslo changed in SPAD settings but No use ...........
Please some one help on this .
2007 Nov 29 6:11 PM
Hi ,
We are working to print Bar codes using Smart forms.
Barcode is printing in label (4*6 Inchs) using printer (Zebra Z4 M PLUS (300 DPI)) (TLP-3842) which supports ZPL Language and Device type is ZLZEB3 (300 DPI).
We are printing bar codes successfully.
But After testing bar code using bar code tester (BC TESTER 4.4) software tool.
The results are failed.
We are expecting results: Like bellow.
Value formatted type is: EAN
Value is [C142007470
Total Description: 420. Ship To-Deliver to Postal Code a Single Postal Authority 07470
Current Situation:
Here we are Created Bar code (Ship to Post) in SE73 with
Bar code type is: Code 128
Width is: 08 mm
Height: 300 mm
Mode is: A (Even I tried with N and U)
UCC check: Empty.
I added this to character format in my Smart forms.
Text in smart form is: ,,,,<C2>&W_POSTAL_CODE&</> for P1 Paragraph.
Using this functionality we are able to print a Bar code in Label.
But while testing using BC Tester
Values are showing:
Value formatted type is: EAN
Value is 42007470
Total Description Values: Empty
The Type is EAN is when we select the Manually EAN Radio button (but this not capturing automatically this is problem we are facing).
Even I tried with some changes like bellow:
But Forcefully writing some code in Program lines Smartform:
concatenate '420' fs_zediu017-pstlz into w_postal_code
After this forcefully adding this Value [C1 in Before W_postal_code Element text :
Text in smart form is: ,,,,<C2>[C1&W_POSTAL_CODE&</> for P1 Paragraph.
After this we are tested using BC tester
Every thing is displaying correct Vales which mention above when we manually select the Value formatted type radio button EAN but this Wrong.
Client need when testing bar code using BC TESTER 4.4 it should be display to take EAN radio button and showing all the Values.
Please suggest me how to solve the issue.
2007 Nov 20 3:49 AM
Hi Narasima,
Are u getting the ZPl codes in the spool ? then the probs is with ur config settings. gimme ur mail id i can send u the detail docs for setting up the printer.
2008 Jan 14 4:26 PM
Hi Narasimha Rao,
Did you able to solve your printer problem .
could send me the details how you resloved the issue.