Member since ‎2021 Mar 25

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  • 53 Posts
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Hi experts Long time ago I designed an iFlow with a HTTPS Adapter as Sender.In the settings of this adapter i defined User Role Authorization. Also long time ago, i created a public user and did the assignment to the specific user role.Yesterd...
Hi experts I am looking for a way to get a sales order confirmation using the API.Regarding billing document i found this solution:... sap/opu/odata/sap/API_BILLING_DOCUMENT_SRV/GetPDF?BillingDocument='xxx'Is there a similar way for order confirmat...
Hi expertsWe created a workflow rule, which results in a system notification. However, this notification does not generate a notification alert (the „bell“ icon at the right top part of the screen). Details of the workflow rule: Business Objec...
Hi folks Did you join yesterdays SAP CX Live session?When talking about marketing solutions, there was not even a side note about SAP Marketing Cloud. On the other hand, the Emarsys marketing automation solution got a lot of attention. Is there a...
Hi experts! When importing a contact using the odata interface, you are able to assign a marketing location to the contact. https://<Server>:<Port>/sap/opu/odata/SAP/API_MKT_CONTACT_SRV;v=0004/MarketingLocations(ContactID='<ContactID>',ContactOri...