Hi Community,when I export a custom field of type "Amount with Currency" (i create a target group and export via export definition) the Amount with Currency comes out in the format 10.70€ for 10,70€. In Excel it then becomes "Oct 70" and when I conve...
Hi Experts, is it posslible that a custom field of the type number is empty and not 0.We would like to differentiate in segmentation. Kind RegardsKatharina
Hi experts, i need the following report: Contact Origin | Contact ID | E-Mail of this origin | Permission of this e-mailThe problem is that I only get the e-mail and permission from the best record and not the e-mail and permission from the origin.Do...
Hi Experts, can i create an UI in dependency of an user role or marketing area? For example: Some Users should see more Tabs or Custom Fields in the Contacts-App than others. Thanks for your help!Katharina
Hi @andreasfranz,it doesn't matter how we realize this for now. We haven't managed it via Api, CDS-View or Export...Do you have another idea?Kind RegardsKatharina
Hi @sascha_zimmermann, you wrote "then SMC need to know the customer and contact IDs of the connected ERP/S4 system."Do you know whether the key mapping for contact persons (contact IDs) is also transferred from SC to MC (Key-Mapping-ID 927)?We would...
Hi @isathore,ive copied the role SAP_BR_MARKETING_EXPERT which does not contain the catalog. And only this role is assigned to the user.But i can release the target group anyway. Do you have another suggestion? Thanks for your help!Katharina