Hi Everyone, I have a customer requirement, which is very specific to Italy Local Policies and Union Agreements for people that work on Shifts but not only. It has to do with how the PAR Leave needs to handled in Time Sheets and then subsequently be ...
Greetings to all exciting people working with SAP SuccessFactors Time Off Module (And not Only!)!
In this blog today I would like to go over with you on some very nice and practical functions we have in Time Off Business Rules Engine, which help us ...
Greetings to all exciting people working with SAP SuccessFactors Time Off Module (And not Only!)!
In this blog today, I would like to demonstrate a specific scenario of how to configure and apply a new function that has been released in the new H1 2...
Greetings to all exciting people working with SAP SuccessFactors Time Off Module!
In this blog, I would like to demonstrate how to incorporate a relatively new function in your Business Rule in order to calculate the remaining available balance of a...
Greetings to all exciting people working with SAP SuccessFactors Time Off Module!
SAP Successfactors is already known for providing simple but yet effective HR Solutions on people processes, and this is not less applicable for Time Off Module.
One ...
If you add the Business Rule on the Employee Time Sheet Object on Save Rules, as an Evaluate Scenario, Use the Cardinality function and check the Allowance cardinality from Employee Time sheet if the value <> 1, you will be able to check the entries ...
Hi @Volker_Ruof appreciate your input! using the extra time type was the first thought, but end users found it confusing.. there isn't any impact if their salary changes, that's a flat fee. i will stick to the report. the end users can still see the ...
Hi @StephanieCR thanks for your prompt reply! Basically, there is a requirement with a customer who works with factory workers in Italy, they need to record their Canteen Breaks every day. We decided to cover this requirement with the simplest way po...
@Volker_Ruof @StephanieCR do you know whether it is possible now to create Counters for Allowance Types? I think that this was not possible last time I checked...Thanks,BR,Evangelia
@Volker_Ruof Oh No Volker!! that's not good news at all! Having your insights and detailed blogs always give us a much better and practical understanding! I do hope you remain an integral part of SAP Time Management Forum because you gave such a subs...