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SAP Business Objects 4.2 SP9 Patch15: One Install File Silent Installation

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I am working on an ansible playbook to download, extract and install SAP BO on target servers.

Previously I use WINRAR to extract command line extract both installer files (.EXE and .RAR) and execute "setup.exe -w C:\response .ini" in command line to install SAP BO with the desired configuration indicated in response.ini.


We no longer allowed to use WINRAR for extracting files, and 7zip has a known issue with the extraction of files.

Then a colleague found out that the self-extracting file is sufficient to install SAP BO.

So I tried using the script commands indicated in "Comment" section of BIPLATS4209P_1500-80001044_P1.EXE which stated as:

=====================================<br>;The comment below contains SFX script commands<br>Path=%temp%<br>SavePath<br>SavePath<br>Setup=setup.exe<br>TempMode<br>Silent=2

I tried different command line to see which can


  • BIPLATS4209P_1500-80001044_P1.EXE Setup=setup.exe -r D:\response.ini
  • BIPLATS4209P_1500-80001044_P1.EXE Path=D:\ Setup=setup.exe -r D:\response.ini
  • BIPLATS4209P_1500-80001044_P1.EXE Setup=setup.exe -r D:\response.ini Silent=2

But none proceeding to install silently but a prompt for installation will appear and wait for manual interaction with it.

Note: First command example is working on SAP Business Objects 4.2 SP9 Patch 4 but not in Patch 15.


Has anyone successfully executes installation for SAP Business Objects 4.2 SP9 Patch15 using the self-extracting file and passing a response file as an argument/command switch?

Installer Files:



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This would be expected behavior , refer 1264589 - How to do a silent installation of SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.x using a response (.INI) file?

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Hello @Omkar Sambare.

Thank you for your response.

KB - 1264589 is the process we are doing in our organization previously when we have winrar to extract the files.

Now we can cannot use winrar in the organization I am in, as we no longer have the authority to use it.

So what I would like to know, if there is a way to execute the self-extract file using cli and adding the modified response.ini to install SAP BI without manual intervention.