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[Sage 100 - Crystal Report] Print Copies of Custom Picking List According to Item Quantity Per Order

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Hello everyone,

I created a picking sheet form to print out as a thermal label customized to a merchant's specification. The label has two unsuppressed sections (rest suppressed), Group Header SO_SalesHeader.SalesOrderNo and the Group Footer. The Group Header consists of fields pertaining to the sales order information, such as PO number and return policy text, and the group footer contains a subreport, linked by SO_SalesHeader.SalesOrderNo, that displays the items in an order. The subreport has everything suppressed except for a report header, which displays the column headers, and a detail section that displays item number, qty, etc.

We need to print picking lists for each order X number of times, with X depending on the total quantity of items being shipped for that order.

I have tried searching for hours and I cannot find much information regarding this.

May I ask for some help with this please? And thank you in advance.

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Active Contributor
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Hi Jim,

On your question about option 3, in my answer above, I had provided a link to a list of 3rd-party Crystal Reports tools. That listing is maintained by Ken Hamady here.

One of these tools is my Visual CUT software. As you can see in the image below, it allows you to control the number of copies using a field or formula (e.g. {@Quantity}).
It also allows you to populate template text (e.g. Copy [[N]] of [[M]]) so each printout reflects the copy number (for example 'Copy 1 of 2', Copy 2 of 2').

Here is a link to the relevant user manual section.

Active Contributor
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Another option is when you Click the Print button select the number of copies to be printed, if that's an option...

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Hi Don,

Thank you for the suggestion, but unfortunately this wouldn't work. We run the report using a range. If this option is available, that means we will print the maximum amount of labels needed for every order.

Thank you for your suggestion though!

Active Contributor
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Option 1 (if you are allowed to add a table to the database)

Create a "REPEATER" table with a single column (How_Many) that looks like this:


Now, in your report, add the Repeater Table and add a join or record selection condition of:
Order.quantity >= Repeater.How_Many
This would cause each order to be duplicated as many times as the value of {Order.quantity}.

If you need to print "N of M" modify the repeater table to look like this, and use an equal join between quantity and N:
N | M
1 | 1
2 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 1
3 | 2
3 | 3


Option 2:

Multiple detail sections (Da, Db, ...) with suppress conditions based on the quantity.


Option 3

3rd-party tool. See list here. At least one of these tools can automatically print the desired number of copies based on a Crystal field or formula..

0 Kudos

Hi Ido Millet,

Thank you! I will speak with my supervisor about working within the database and pass along your solution.

I am currently using option 2 after realizing there isn't a real solution that can be implemented within Crystal Report itself. I duplicated the contents of a section into a new section, and conditionally suppressed it if the page number is greater than the total quantity for an order. This isn't an ideal solution for orders with large quantities though because of a subreport that needs to be added to every section. So far, I have created two identical sections because every 6-7/10 orders have 2 items at most. But if I want to add more sections to accommodate larger orders, that will mean having 10-20 subreports running, which isn't ideal. For now, I run the report again for orders of over 2, export to PDF and keep reprinting the labels until I have the desired amount. If you have any suggestions to better tailor the report for larger orders, I would appreciate it.

For option 3, is there a third party tool that you recommend? And do all these tools allow me to print reports based on a field such as a formula that sums the total quantity for each order?

Also, thank you again for taking the time to share your suggestions!