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Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (1).gif

After Part1, What's in Part 2?

  • How to develop UI5 like a novice

  • Use Joule like a semi-pro

  • Deploy backend - like a legend


We will focus on UI creation and plugin creation. These steps will be small, and we'll go through this.

I have started with a custom file upload and it looks good - 


Some UI5 Configurations

Go to to Open Page Map and then start creating your awesome UI5.

But for me, I am a bit lazy. Hence, please pardon me for the horrible UI design.


1. Go to your Page Map and choose for Recipe Object Page


Then click on Configure Page button of RecipeObjectPage and add table section.


Then add some columns


2. Then goto RecipeIngredientsObjectPage and a section General Information


Then try to add ingredients and quantity.


3. Do this, do that...

4. Do ....... Change this ...


But What I Also tried?

I welcomed Joule.

Used a basic prompt for the UI5 Development.


Basically, I know my table info and asked Joule for a UI5 App for this.

Then you see some interesting buttons coming up. Try and explore these buttons - 

Show Result

Preview App

Accept Files


Now click on Accept Files and do some changes.

How to Open Joule tab from BAS or Build Code?

Go to View > Command Pallet and then choose Fiori Tools AI: Show Fiori tools Joule as below


My Feedback on Joule - 


The output deviated by 60% from my expectations. Want to use it for easy dummy applications.
Also have a lot of future potentials. It is also too much floor plan dependent.

Once you are ready with your application. It will look like this - 




Pardon me. My UI5 Application looks like Crow S**T. But I am

Really enjoying these spoilers... 


Some SQLite things

It's time to add a SQLite db. It's just a simple line in your terminal.




npm add -js/sqlite -D


Then use this code -


cds deploy --to sqlite:db/recipe.db


Configuration added in cds section of package.json


    "requires": {
        "kind": "sqlite",
        "credentials": {
          "database": "db/recipe.db"
      "kind": "basic",
      "users": {
        "sabarna17": {
          "password": "1993"


You can go for flow now - 


cds watch


CAP-DOX Plugin in Part 3

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