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MultiComboBox for table filtering in Fiori Elements for OData v4

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I'm using Fiori Elements Templates for OData v4 where I can easily add custom combobox filters for my table using the following example:

Now I want to use not a normal `ComboBox` but a `MultiComboBox`, so the `selectedKey` in the example can be changed to `selectedKeys` quite easily. Like so:

<MultiComboBox items="{/Quarters}" selectedKeys="{path: 'filterValues>', type: 'sap.fe.macros.filter.type.Value', formatOptions: { operator: '' }}">
    <core:Item key="{ID}" text="{ID}" />

It kinda works in the background, but if I select multiple the value becomes a string separated by commas: "value1,value2", so the `MultiComboBox` doesn't show anything then (as it is an invalid item key).

Also it seems I cannot use `setFilterValues` as shown in the example, with the MultiComboBox's `selectionFinish="handler.setQuartersFilter"` event, as I want to use a more complex `sap.ui.model.Filter` filter .

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


So I found a solution for this!

First we need to register the custom Value Operator (as also shown in the example).

What I didn't know is that you can pass this to the control:FormElementWrapper XML element values as well, in order to register it through the XML template (you can use any arbitrary xml attribute name, I used `filter`)

<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout" xmlns:control="sap.fe.core.controls" xmlns:filter="sap.fe.macros.filter.type">
	<control:FormElementWrapper filter="{type: 'sap.fe.macros.filter.type.Value', formatOptions: { operator: '' }}">
		<HBox alignItems="Center" width="100%" core:require="{handler: 'com/xxx/ext/controller/CustomFilter'}">
			<MultiComboBox items="{/Quarters}" selectionFinish="handler.setQuartersFilter">
				<core:Item key="{ID}" text="{ID}" />

Then you you can use this for the js part:

// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
sap.ui.define(['sap/ui/model/Filter', 'sap/ui/model/FilterOperator'], function (Filter, FilterOperator) {
    'use strict';

    return {
        quarterViewFilter: function (value) {
            value = value.substring(1); // Apperantly it starts with an equal sign which we want to remove
            if (!value) return new Filter({ path: 'quarter', operator: FilterOperator.LE, value1: 'xxx' }); // just return a fake filter. 

            const values = value.substring(1).split(','); // Apparently it starts with an equal sign which we want to remove
            console.log('debug custom MultiComboBox filter!', values);
            return new Filter({
                    (value) =>
                        new Filter({
                            filters: [
                                new Filter({ path: 'quarterStart', operator: FilterOperator.LE, value1: value }), // So the version quarter needs to be less or equal to the value
                                new Filter({
                                    path: 'quarterEnd',
                                    operator: FilterOperator.GE,
                                    value1: value
                                }) // So the version quarter end needs to be greater or equal to the value
                            and: true
                and: false

        setQuartersFilter: function (event) {
            const selectedQuarters = event.getParameter('selectedItems').map((item) => item?.getText());
                'QuarterView', // Corresponds to the filter key name defined in manifest.json
                selectedQuarters.join(',') // Only a normal string can be passed to the filter function

It seems that filters only works with normal string values, that is why I used a join and split. If anyone can think of a more cleaner solution, just let me know!

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

"sap.fe.macros.filter.type.Value" is only for single value. Since MultiComboBox supports multi values, you cannot use that. Instead, try "sap.fe.macros.filter.type.MultiValue".

<MultiComboBox width="100%" selectedKeys="{path: 'filterValues>', type: 'sap.fe.macros.filter.type.MultiValue'}">
				<FlexItemData growFactor="1" />
				<core:Item key="1" text="1" />
				<core:Item key="2" text="2" />
				<core:Item key="3" text="3" />
				<core:Item key="4" text="4" />
				<core:Item key="5" text="5" />

Another type supported here is "sap.fe.macros.filter.type.Range". See the examples at