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Testing is crucial for SAP S/4HANA Cloud projects. You want to ensure that your business processes run as designed after go-live. In this blog post, I will explain how the SAP Cloud ALM can be integrated with SAP S/4HANA Cloud system to run the Automated test scripts directly from SAP Cloud ALM. This blog covers a complete step by step procedure on how the Integration takes place between SAP Cloud ALM with SAP S/4 HANA Cloud.

I invite you to take a look at my colleague Nicloas ALECH blog that gives us basic insight on Test automation tool for SAP S/4 Hana Cloud and this would be a continuity of the same with in detail setup, configuration and execution of automated test case from SAP Cloud ALM.

This below Flow diagram shows how the automated test scripts are retrieved in SAP Cloud ALM using the Outbound REST APIS using the same we are able to achieve the script execution, log checks, and test case execution status can be centrally orchestrated from SAP Cloud ALM.


Flow Diagram

A. Steps for retrieving automated Test cases from SAP S/4HANA Cloud to SAP Cloud ALM



  1. Ensure you have your SAP Cloud ALM tenant

  2. SAP S/4HANA Cloud Tenant connected with your SAP Cloud ALM  tenant.

  3. Kindly ensure one Implementation project is scoped and created in your SAP Cloud ALM.

  4. Based on your scoped process we will be able to pull the respective E2E automated test cases.


Step1 #

Login to your SAP Cloud ALM System using your credentials

Step 2 #

Select Fiori Group Administration and choose Landscape Management tile.

Step 3 #

Use the Cloud Service Filter option to filter and choose Test Automation.

Click Apply and now you will see the list of service type available.

Step 4 #

Click on the TAT-Test Automation

Here the place holder for creating your automation API.

Step 5 #

In this step, if we need to Add an end point for connecting a SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

Click on Add

Step 6 #

In this place we would need to mention all the mandatory fields like

End point Name # SAPS4_TAT

Use case # Customer specific name should be maintained

Root URL # This points to your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

User Name # This user should be created and available in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

Password # The Password which we have created and generated in the  SAP S/4HANA Cloud system to be maintained in this area.

Click on Save and Check Connection.

If we see a GREEN status that means the connections are working fine.



B. Steps to Create a Communication user in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

To make the user available we have mentioned in Step 6 # below are the steps we need to follow in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud System.

Step 1 #

Login to your SAP S/4HANA Cloud System URL.

And below is the user authorization needed for your user to create a communication user.

Click on the tile Maintain Business users under Identity and Access Management Fiori Group.

And enter your ID/ Username #

Click on your user and add the below highlighted user role for your ID in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system for creating a communication user.

Click Save.

 Step 2 #

Once the above roles are granted you will see the new tile # Communication arrangements.

Click on this tile.

Step 3 #

For this Communication arrangement scenario, SAP provides by default  # SAP_COM_0620 

Click on Create.

Please note # you cannot have 2 Communication arrangement with same name.

Step 4 #

Enter the System Id and System Name click create

Enter all the mandatory fields like, Communication System, username, Host name and click Save.

Enter all the mandatory fields like, Communication System, username, Host name and click Save.

you will see the Inbound Service is generated.

Step 5#

Inbound services add the service name

Click on ADD button

Click New User

Mention the Username and click on proposed password and this will be used in your above step 6.

Click create button

Finally save the configuration which you have created and now your API is available for our Integration


C. Steps to Synchronization for your automated test cases within SAP Cloud ALM and SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Prerequisite #

  1. A project must be created using the available Best practice Content in SAP Cloud ALM.

  2. Scoping must be completed, and phase of the project is ready for testing.

Step 1#

Click on Test Preparation tile which is available under SAP Cloud ALM for Implementation fiori group.

Choose your project.

Step 2 #

Click on Synch

Select your scope and click on Synchronize Automated test cases.

The synchronization will be started automatically after you choose Synchronize automated test cases.

Now you will see the automatic test cases generated from SAP S/4HANA Cloud to our SAP Cloud ALM system.

D. Steps for Execution of automated test cases from SAP Cloud ALM

Prerequisite # You need to have a user created in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system for execution of your test process.

We need to create an user in your SAP S/4 HANA Cloud system which will execute your test cases.


Login to your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system and select the tile Maintain business user and add the below HIGHLIGHTED role (SAP_BR_ADMIN_TEST_AUTOMATION).


Go to the tile # Manage your solution and choose the below Highlighted area. # Test your processes


Click on User settings and Maintain roles as shown in the below snapshot.


Step 4#

Click On Add the user (+) Icon

Step 5#

Enter all the mandatory fields and click save.

Once this above user has relevant Business Application UI authorization in your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system you are ready to execute the automated test scripts from SAP Cloud ALM.


Step 6#

Go to Test execution Title click Execute and test case will automatically be executed.

You can also see the log information of the latest execution. When you click on Open Execution Log

And this will take you to SAP S/4HANA Cloud system where the error screen shot will be automatically captured.

Just click on error step screen shot and this will help your functional team to check it out further.


If you would like to execute the same Test script with different data sets that is also possible.

You can add the different Variants in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system and eventually if you re-synch the test scripts in SAP Cloud ALM  then the respective Variants will also be available for you.



Now we have successfully completed the integration setup of SAP Cloud ALM with Test Automation Tool [TAT] for SAP S/4 HANA Cloud System we can now do the E2E execution of Automated test script.

we are able to achieve the script execution, log checks, and test case execution status can be centrally orchestrated from SAP Cloud ALM. we can Enjoy E2E Automation within SAP Cloud ALM without any additional cost.

Click here to download the excel file the objective of this is to help you to identify available automated test scripts (test automats). It lists all available automated test scripts, with the needed business roles, the respective business related component, and possibly pre-requisites.

Also I would highly recommend to have this URL handy # SAP Cloud ALM tag as this gives complete information about SAP Cloud ALM product features and its roadmap.

Please do share your valuable thoughts and feedback in the comments section.

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Please follownaveenkumar1711sap.
Active Participant
Thanks naveenkumar1711sap for sharing this very helpful and detailed documentation.
0 Kudos
Hello Naveen,


Can you let me know what does the user 1353952 means?
0 Kudos
Hello Saurabh ,

It is one of the User ID that needs to be available in the SAP S/4 HANA Cloud System. Using that only the Execution of Automated scripts will happen.

Best Regards,

Naveen Kumar.D
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Naveen,


For 3SL landscapes, in which S4Hana Public cloud systems runs the Testing Automation Tool, DEV or TEST (or both) ?

Thank you.


Javier del Peso
0 Kudos
Hi Javier ,

It is recommended that we use Test or Quality system to run the Test automation. Because it does not have any impact on if case any new enhancements made to a process in DEV environment.


Thank you,

Naveen Kumar.D
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello naveenkumar1711sap

Thank you very much for this very detailed explanation. Unfortunately, for our Public Cloud customers we cannot set-up the connection between ALM and Test Automation because in the first step within System Landscape there is no service for it anymore. If I try to find it based on service type than we read "Test Automation (Deprecated)". Probably changed in the latest SAP release, but I cannot find any new information from SAP about this.

How can we perform the integration setup now?

Thank you for your feedback.

Kind regards,
Jens Koyen

0 Kudos
Hi. Have you been able to solve what you said? Or could you tell me how you solved it?

Best Regards.
0 Kudos
Hi Koyen ,

Sorry for my delay response. Yes, with the latest version its changed from generic service types like Test automation. We move to product-oriented ones (S/4 HANA Cloud).

On the Services page, choose (Cloud Service Filter) and filter by the service type SAP S/4HANA Cloud, and then the use case when you setup the Test Automation or Test Management.

Please do refer for the URL for further reference # Integrating the Test Automation Tool for SAP S/4HANA Cloud | SAP Help Portal


Best Regards,

Naveen Kumar.D

0 Kudos
Hello naveenkumar1711sap

we have the following situation:

We currently have a starter system (S4/HANA Cloud) and want to connect the Cloud ALM.
We have implemented your instructions and encounter the following error:

We cannot synchronise the test cases into our SAP Cloud ALM. But the Test Cases are in S/4

We also dont get any errors.

Do you know where the error is?


Best Regards,


Kevin T.

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hello kevintu ,

As the starter system is only temporarily available and mainly serves its purpose in the Explore phase of a project, I assume it's the intention of SAP that the connection between automated testing in S-system and ALM cannot be made. Automated testing only provides future added-value in the quality system (2-tier public cloud) or testing system (3-tier public cloud).

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Jens Koyen
Active Participant
Hello naveenkumar1711sap ,

Thank you very much for this update. Followed this link and managed to make the connection work. Important to note down for followers is that in ALM this process is considered a "PULL" process from SAP S/4. Where a user in ALM needs to be setup and in the communication arrangement in S/4 an inbound communication needs to be setup selecting this communication user you created for cloud ALM.

Anyways, great features and promising for TAT in cloud!

0 Kudos
Hi, i still have same problem.


i couldn't find document or blog posting related with "Test Automation (Deprecated)".


Did you find the solution?


Best Regards.