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Hi Experts,

i have a small question .I configured new customer group for Exports customer in that i maintain number range interval .i done in development server and move to quality it's working fine .But when try to create customer in Production system customer number ranges skip to 5 number like 1 next customer is 5 ,...10...15 ) like this .I Checked all configuration everything is fine but why i got that number range skipping error .Can you please help on this .It's production issue  .

Best regards,

sudheer janakiram.R

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As MoazzaM said, Its mainly happened due to the number range buffer.

Let me tell you how the number range works, It certainly check two conditions - 1) it checks if there is an area for required number range interval in the buffer and 2) if the area is not yet full in buffer. If it meets these two, then the current number in the buffered is increased by specified interval and assigned to the caller. Now if there is another call from different callers for the same interval, the number will be increased and assigned to it. Most important is, if there is any rollback, the numbers are lost meaning you will find the gap.

As SAP suggested, if you have any legal requirements of having continuous number in documents, avoid using number range buffers.

Hope it helps in understanding better way.



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Hi Jaydip,

In development and quality as well as Production systems number range buffer activated and numbers in buffer 5 is there .That is the main reason .After that i don't no how to reset .help me on this. i attached screen shots also .

Best regards,

sudheer janakiram.R

Active Participant
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Hi Sudheer,

Intervals are not maintained against customer number range it only shows the intervals "from" and "to".

Please check with your ABAP team.



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Hi sharan,

Intervals are maintained .It's working fine in development and  Quality but  in production number ranges skip 5 to 5 some time 2 to 3 .It's not coming proper sequence .I checked all configuration and SNRO DEBITOR also .

Best regards,

sudheer janakiram.R

Active Contributor
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Is it happening only in PRD? What about in QAS and DEV? Is it working fine with same configuration? Did you check in SNRO for object DEBITOR. If possible paste the screen here.


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Hi Mozzam ,

Thanks to reply .Along with this i am sending attached screen shot of number range assignment and production server customer numbers for your reference

Production customer list :

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Its working fine. You have maintained 5 in No. of numbers that must be held in the buffer field in SNRO for object DEBITOR. This is how it works. This is normal behavior and you don't need to worry about it.


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Hi Moazzam,

when i am creating customer in Quality customer numbers came sequence wise like 1,2,3,4.... but when client created in Production number ranges came like 1,3,5..10,11,12, this .But my client wants proper number ranges .Help me on this .can i change any thing   . i am not maintained any what u said previous reply ( maintained 5 in No. of numbers )

Best regards,

sudheer janakiram.R

Active Contributor
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In quality you are not facing this issue because you might have created only two or three customers may be. Numbe range buffering doesn't work on every new number. It works with some gaps and if you continuosly create customers in QAS you will see the same in there as well.

Go through following link and see the post by Balaji. This is how it works. If you don't want number range buffering you can try by removing No. of number in buffer. I don't think so this is a good idea and you need to tell your client that this is standard SAP and you can read more explanation from following link why SAP has number range buffering. This is not only for customer number. It works the same way for other objects as well like vendor number, material number and for all others.

SAP Library - SAP Number Range Buffer (BC-CST-NU)

How the Number Range Buffer Works - SAP Number Range Buffer (BC-CST-NU) - SAP Library


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Dear Mozzam,

i go through with your link in my dev,qua ,prod 3 systems are have activated buffering checked and no.of numbers in buffer and also i checked in NRIV table .I attached screen shot then what i can i do in that .Can i reset those settings .help me on this .

Best regards,

Sudheer janakiram.R

Active Contributor
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As you can see that No. of number is 5 so this is the reason. You won't see 5 number difference in each and every customer number. It will we random difference sometimes with 1 number missing sometimes 3 and maximum 5. This is standard and you don't need to worry about it.
