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Hello community,

Updated on 09.12.2022:
3273042 - BSI: introduction of Tax Types 117, 118, 119, 120, 121 and 122 has been released to cover the changes released by BSI on Regulatory Bulletin 96

Updated on 02.12.2022:
SAP Note 3260101 - TAX: De Minimis number of days worked criteria for nonresident state withholding

Updated on 03.05.2022:

Important change with US HCM Tax Calculation and BSI TaxFactory 11 Cyclic H. Apply at the earliest HotNews SAP Note 3088446 (BSI: Updates to TaxFactory 11.0 reverse engine processing) to your payroll systems. It is required for BSI TaxFactory 11 Cyclic H.

Blog Reverse Tax Engine - Payroll USA


BSI TaxFactory and TaxFactory SaaS released version 11.0 is available.

After our partner BSI has extended the maintenance for their offering/Product BSI TaxFactory 10.0 up to April 30,2021. SAP has also decided to provide support for BSI TaxFactory 10.0 up to April 30, 2021.

Regardless of the extended support period for BSI TaxFactory 10, SAP strongly recommends not to postpone your upgrade to BSI TaxFactory 11 and still plan to complete the upgrade during this year.

As announced on BSI website JAVA/Tomcat 32bits is not supported anymore by BSI after TaxFactory 11.0 cyclic C and TaxFactory 10.0 cyclic X.3. For any query about this, please contact BSI Support.

your payroll system to the corresponding BSI TaxFactory 11.0 product way before the decommissioning of BSI TaxFactory 10.0 support.
There are NO options to extend the support for TaxFactory 10.0 after the decommissioning date.

If you have any questions about BSI TaxFactory 11.0, you can post it here. I´m going to keep this updated with tips, best practices, and, SAP notes.

Important SAP notes:

2760305 - BSI: Tax Factory 11.0 - Main Note

As a prerequisite, you must apply the following SAP Notes:

2760918- BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - DDIC Changes

2763228 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - Function Modules Changes

2770832 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - General Technical Changes

2780204 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - Changes required for TaxFactory SaaS

2868617 - BSI: Tax Profile Factory SaaS correction

2780716 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - BSI Tools

2790902 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - Payroll Driver Changes

2844516 - BSI: TaxFactory 10.0 - Additional Configuration Options While in Transition to BSI TaxFactory 11.0

2852878 - BSI: Technical Correction changes

2854888 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - Configuration Option

2860747 - BSI: Tax Factory 11.0 - system not able to run TaxFactory SaaS

2864644 – BSI: Tax data synchronization error during transition from TaxFactory 10.0 to TaxFactory 11.0

2855926 – BSI: internat error US_UPDATE_TXIT_FROM_TAXES in BSI Tax Calculation

2865938 - BSI: Tax Factory 11.0 - system continues using TaxFactory 10.0 after upgrade - SaaS

2876817 – V_BTXRATE & V_BTXOVFR: not saving Experience Rate and incorrect number of digits for Tax Type

2853869 - TAX: Additional withholding not considered and Regular wages classified as Supplemental

2878074 -  BSI: Update to BTXRATE reader class usage

2904103 -  BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - Missing Changes in Structures for Release 600

2915653 - BSI: Unemployment Override not Being Considered on TaxFactory

2948446 - BSI: installation instructions for TaxLocator 11.0.

3008339 - TAX: Community Safety Payroll Taxes for Eugene

3013127 - BSI: Enablement of Tax Type 106 for Concurrent Employment


Before applying SAP note 2915653, you must apply note 2844646 - Ignore the local class definition, implementation, definition deffered, definition load , definition local friends changes this notes contains a fix to SNOTE transaction and without this you will get an error.

2919499 - TAX: Experience Rates Calculated Incorrectly in Tax Result Log

2920181 - TAX: TaxFactory Version Source in USVERS

2934419 - TAX: TaxLocator not proposing Tax Areas in TaxFactory 11

2944465 - TAX: Full refund of Unemployment tax when using BTXRATE override

Further irformation about the installation can be found on:

2844034 - TaxFactory 11.0 - On-Premise Installation

2843977 - BSI: TaxFactory 11.0 - SaaS Installation

2948446 - BSI: installation instructions for TaxLocator 11.0.

2977383 - BSI: Changes in Sync Tool Tax due to incorrect State

2988140 - IT0208: Performance issue when using Tax Locator

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ


1) Which are the options for transition from TaxFactory 10.0 to TaxFactory 11.0?

  • In transaction SU3, define the user parameter BSI_TF_VERSION with value 11.

  • In transaction PE03, configure the BSI Tax Factory Version (10BSI) feature with value 11.

  • In transaction SM30, open table view Customer values for configuration options (V_T5F99K2) and set the value of constant BSI TAX FACTORY: CUSTOMIZING SWITCH (BSITF) to 11.Once your company switches to TaxFactory 11.0, you may no longer use TaxFactory 10.0, nor may you switch back to it later.

2) Which is the start date to be used in table V_T5F99K2 and constant BSITF?

The start date should be 01.01.1800, once you decide to upgrade the system to TaxFactory 11.0, as the system should use the version 11.0 for all the tax calculation, even in retroactive scenarios, where TaxFactory 10.0 were used.


3) When there is a negative value the system is not calculating taxes after the upgrade to TaxFactory 11.0, what is the cause?

Check if the Reverse Tax Engine is turned ON in your system, table V_T5F99K2, constant ADTMD, further information can be found on the KBA 2984562 - Reverse Tax Engine TaxFactory 11.0

4) Filing status/Marital status is missing or not updated in T5UTK. What should I do?

As T5UTK has delivery class C, you can update this table manually. To find the filling status that should be update in T5UTK you can go to MYBSI Portal (https://mybsiconnect.force.com/CustomLogin) with your credentials:

· Select Product Maintenance > TaxFactory ->  11.0
· Under Maintenance select Cyclic Bulletins -> BSI TaxFactory 11.0 Cyclic Bulletin
-> Bulletin Data nformation


5) There is a syntax error in LPBSUD01 after implementing SAP note 2915653, what is the cause and what are the steps fix it?

This is because SAP note 2844646 is not implemented in your system, or was applied after note 2915653.

To solve this SAP note 2844646 must be applied.

Detailed steps:

1) Perform the de-implementation of SAP note 2915653
2) Apply note 2844646
3) Retrieve the version of objects LPBSUD01 -> To do it go to transaction SE38 select LPBSUD01 -> Utilitiles -> version -> version management -> select version prior the note implementation
4) Re-apply note 2915653


6) Is it possible to extend the validity date of TaxFactory 10.0?

There is no extension to TaxFactory 10.0. Support for BSI TaxFactory 10.0 will be decommissioned on April 30, 2021.

7) How Local Reciprocity is working in BSI Tax Factory 11.0?
Detailed information is available on the KBA 2973907 BSI TaxFactory Local Reciprocity Process (Basic Local Reciprocity and Advanced Local Reciprocity)


😎 I don´t see the WF parameter in BSI script, why?

The parameter WF: 0,0 is not being sent in all scenarios in the BSI script, as BSI considers it as WF: 0,0 if there isn´t this parameter in the BSI script. Parameter WF: 1,1 or 1,2 is always being sent in case the employee has an IT0210 record that follows the new W-4 Form Model for year 2020.

For further information, please check the KBA:
2985123 - The Parameter WF on the BSI Interface

9) Parameter WF is not in the correct line in BSI interface in TaxFactory 11.0?

There is a change in TaxFactory 11.0 cyclic B the parameter WF should be placed in other line in BSI script. This change has been delivered in the W-4 notes for States, after you apply the notes this parameter will be send in the line BSI expects to do the calculation for FED taxes.

The change in the parameter has been delivered in SAP notes:
2895426 – Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 2878657
2878657 – 2020 State Withholding Tax Calculation – Based on the State (or State-equivalent) Withholding Certificate (SAP_HR) – Phase I

For further information, please check the KBA:
2985123 - The Parameter WF on the BSI Interface

10) After the Support Package the system is calculating higher taxes when employee has IT0161, why?

After SAP notes 2888094 TAX: Lock-in letters override for W-4 exempt and 2880846 TAX: Lock-in letters not overriding New W-4 is now considering the values of IT0161 and now the system is calculating more tax, which is expected.

Refer to KBA for further details 2984188- Tax calculation for an employee with both IT0161 and IT0210.

