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The SAP Business ByDesign for Microsoft Teams  is released as controlled availability in 2102. Only selected customers can use it. This app is public available in Microsoft Teams app store, but access to the ByD tenant needs to be approved by SAP to use it with 21.02.

Please visit below video to have an overview.

Now let's see how to add the app, configure the app and add tab views to access SAP Business ByDesign.

1. Adding the App

On your Microsoft Teams, go to Apps, and search for SAP Business ByDesign, and add the app to the teams.

2. Configuring the App

On your Microsoft Teams app, on a channel or a Chat, click on the + sign, and search for the SAP Business ByDesign for Microsoft Teams on the Add a tab window. The configuration dialog box launches. Enter the following credentials as provided on the screen.

  • SAP Business ByDesign Tenant ID. Only the tenants added to the allowed list can be used in this application.

  • Username and Password

  • Click on Autheticate

  • Select the view type from the following options:

    • Work Center View

    • Business Object Instance (Authentication Required)

  • For work center view, select and add the different lists one at a time. You can also select the list options without authenticating after entering the Tenant ID.

  • To add Business Object Instance, authentication is mandatory. Authenticate to proceed.

  • Give a Microsoft Teams Tab Name to the input settings and click on Save.

  • If you haven’t enabled the Single Sign-On, it will take you to the SAP Business ByDesign login page.

  • If you want to update the configuration settings, after a tab is already added, on clicking the +, the configuration page is shown, and customers could update the settings to the tab. You can update the tab name and remove the tab using Remove.

3. Features

You can consume data from your SAP Business ByDesign solution in Microsoft Teams by embedding Dashboards, Opportunities, Accounts, and Projects into Microsoft Teams.

Features demo video:

The SAP Business ByDesign for Microsoft Teams supports the following to facilitate real-time capabilities: Work Center View: You can add and access the following Business ByDesign work lists to your teams:

  • My Launchpad

  • Insight Dashboards List

  • Opportunity List

  • Account List

  • Project List

  • Opportunity Pipeline

Business Object Instances: You can add and access the following business object instances to your teams and start working from the Microsoft Teams environment:

  • Opportunity (details)

  • Account (details)

  • Project (details)

  • Insight Dashboards (details)


3.1 Access My Launchpad in MS Teams

Business Users can open My Launchpad in MS Teams as tab view to access SAP Business ByDesign activities across work centers and provides all information for daily work.

  • Add My Launchpad in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View alerts, tasks, notifications, KPIs, shortcuts, or mashups, and clarification requests in MS Teams

  • Navigate to specific item to open with further information


3.2 Access Insight Dashboards List in MS Teams

Business Users can open insight dashboard list in MS Teams and get the dashboard list for the performance of related business area.

  • Add Insight Dashboard list in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View all authorized Dashboard list in MS Teams

  • Navigate to a specific dashboard by click the name of dashboard in the list


3.3 Access Opportunity List in MS Teams

Business Users can create, edit, and view opportunities and related information in MS Teams and share the list with colleagues in the same sales team.

  • Add opportunity list in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View authorized opportunities in MS Teams

  • Navigate to a specific opportunity by click the name of opportunity in the list


3.4 Access Account List in MS Teams

Business Users can create, edit, and view account and related information in MS Teams and share the list with colleagues in the same team.

  • Add account list in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View authorized accounts in MS Teams

  • Navigate to a specific account by click the name of account in the list


3.5 Access Project List in MS Teams

Business Users can create, edit, and view project and related information in MS Teams and share the list with colleagues in the same team.

  • Add project list in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View authorized projects in MS Teams

  • Navigate to a specific project by click the name of project in the list


3.6 Access Opportunity Pipeline in MS Teams

Business users can open sales opportunity pipeline in MS Teams to show open and in process opportunities by their number, value and product.

  • Add opportunity pipeline in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View authorized opportunities in pipeline in MS Teams

  • Navigate to a specific opportunity by click the name of dashboard in the list


3.7 Access Dashboards in MS Teams

Business users can access dashboards in MS Teams to view relevant information cards (such as KPI and Report Cards) and operational cards on custom-defined overview pages across work centers.

  • Add a specific dashboard as Tab View in MS Teams

  • View authorized dashboard in MS Teams


3.8 Access Opportunity in MS Teams

Business users can access the overview of opportunity detail data in MS Teams manage the opportunity data.

  • Add a specific opportunity in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View and maintain opportunity information such as account and all relevant communication, products and prices, members of the sales team and your sales partners who are working on the opportunity, and competitors for this opportunity


3.9 Access Account in MS Teams

Business users can access the overview of account master data in MS Teams and manage the account basic data, general data, sales data, bank data and financial data.

  • Add a specific account in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View and maintain important account-related information such as address and communication data, sales figures, and financial data


3.10 Access Project in MS Teams

Business users can access the overview of project data in MS Teams and manage project in Teams.

  • Add a specific project in Tab View of MS Teams

  • View and maintain project data based on the authorization


4. Limitations, Know Issues and Tips

  • SSO is not supported in the configuration page.

  • Black theme and high contract theme are not support in the configuration page.

  • Tips: Logout Teams to switch SAP Business ByDesign user, since it is cached in Teams.



The integration with MS Teams enables users to easily access features of the SAP Business ByDesign system directly from Microsoft Teams. You can easily monitor, collaborate with your team members, perform tasks, and act directly from the app. The app caters to the growing need to collaborate across departments and systems while working on the same topic. Using the app, you can collaborate and manage work easily without changing systems, leading to an increase in productivity, and the work getting done effectively. You can also access the SAP Business ByDesign system directly from the app in a new browser window.


Note: This capability has been requested by the improvement requests 218783 (23 votes)
0 Kudos


Is this feature available in C4C also?


Best regards,

Mariusz Jurcz
0 Kudos
Hi Mariusz,


Its a roadmap item for C4C.



0 Kudos
This is a really cool feature, Richard. Nicely done! 👏🏻
Hello Richard,


regards from Argentina! thanks to share this new feature, but i can't found the app in my MS Teams, is it available in all countries?


Thanks in advance



0 Kudos
Hi Richard,


The same in France.



Gosia Smagghe
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi everyone,


the app is not yet available in the MS Teams app store. Only selected customers can use it so far - it is under "controlled availability" as mentioned above.



0 Kudos
Hi Richard & Jan,

when you plan to rollout this feature (in Germany) or how can a customer participate on the "selected customer beta program"?

Regards, Markus
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Markus,

the controlled availability is also for German customers and partners. To my knowledge the first wave of participant list is already closed and we want to wait for the feedback until we add more. If the first feedback is positive I see no reason to not on-board more customers very soon. So you have to be a bit patient for the time being - unfortunately I have to say ....



0 Kudos
Hi Richard,


is it possible to execute approvals from byDesign directly in Teams?



0 Kudos
Hi Richard and Jan,


there are some option to join to the second wave of teasters?


thank you and best regards,

Gerard Pujadas
0 Kudos

the TEAMS addon cannot be found in the Teams addons. When will it be available (in Germany, but not needed in German) ß


0 Kudos
Hi Richard & Jan,

Which is the way to nominate a customer for beta version?



0 Kudos
Hi Richard,


Would it be possible to customize this feature in SAP Business One as well?

Thank you.



0 Kudos
Hi Richard,

I have an option only to add the app to an existing group/canal. Is it normal ?



0 Kudos

Hi Gosia,

Could you please provide more details about it? Is it expected to add the app to some specific channels, and not allow to the other channels?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello all,


Although the documentation says:

"Use in a tab at the top of a CHAT or CHANNEL"


The option of adding the SAP Business ByDesign in Microsoft Teams is not available, however the Channel is available.


What do you mean with the information about the Chat related to this App SAP Business ByDesign in Microsoft Teams?


Thank you!

Kind regards,
