Would you like to become more familiar with how to perform Profit Center Reorganization in SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Projects in Professional Services?
If your answer is yes then let me recommend our latest Meet-the-Expert (MTE) live webcast:
Before you can attend, a one-time registration in the SAP Learning Hub, edition for SAP Enterprise Support, is required.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT (US/New York)
(A recording will be available after the event using the same link)
Here is a little taster of what you can expect:
A management decision generally triggers a change to the profit center structure. The current solution focuses on the scope of the profit center time-dependent reassignment in project-based scenarios for projects in Professional Services. You can define the profit center reassignment for the objects WBS (work breakdown structure) elements for billing. The objects affected by the reorganization are reassigned and their balances are reposted to the new organizational entities.
The solution supports the reassignment of profit centers at a key date (effective date).
The solution offers the simulation of an organizational change. Analytics capabilities are provided for the assessment of the completeness of the object list and the profit center reassignment status, preview or review of the transfer posting and its effect on financial KPIs, and log checking for the steps performed.
Business Benefits
- Conduct organizational structure change flexibly in the profit center (financial accounting organization entity)
- Reduce finance cost by supporting an organization's ability to perform changes in a timely manner
- Automate master data update and account balance postings to reduce manual workload and ensure greater accuracy
- React easily and quickly to changed internal and external situations
- Adjust the internal controlling structure and the external reporting structure with effectiveness and efficiency