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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

In this blog you will find information about the live expert interactive sessions organized by SAP Business One Support for partners.

We are fresh off from delivering a session on HANA and currently busy preparing a session in the knowledge area of Integration Framework. More about that below.

As this is a new initiative where we are trying to find a different way of sharing the unique knowledge and insights that we have as a support organization, we did not really know how this would be received. The reception has been strong. After 2 sessions we have had more than 500 attendants. We have also had a lot of positive feedback, comments left in the sessions, e-mails and comments on Linkedin. Thank you for that.

On that note, we encourage you to let your voice be heard, if you have feedback, positive or negative, feel free to use the comment field below. If you have suggestions for additional topics or indeed additional questions on the material that was presented, again – do use the comment section below. We are listening.


Next Session:  SAP Business One Integration Framework – Administration, Best Practices, and scenario design

In the session our Product Area Lead Pavol Hrasko and two senior engineers will cover some best practice troubleshooting techniques for most common pain points, recommended scenario designs and elementary administration duties to enhance system reliability.

The session will take place on Sept 24, 14:00-15:00 CEST. As you might be aware, the session is for partners and it is for free:

Webinar: SAP Business One Integration Framework


Access the recorded sessions

If you were unable to attend or want to access the recorded sessions that was previously delivered, please see below. You will also have access to the material that was presented. Note that while different languages are spoken, the material is always in English.

HANA Session:

SAP Business One version for SAP HANA - Database Administration Best Practices (English)

SAP Business One version for SAP HANA - Database Administration Best Practices (Spanish)

SAP Business One Version for SAP HANA - Database Administration Best Practices (Portuguese)


Support Session:

Maximizing your SAP Business One Support Experience as a Partner (English)

Maximizing your SAP Business One Support Experience as a Partner (Chinese)

Maximizing your SAP Business One Support Experience as a Partner (Spanish)

Maximizing your SAP Business One Support Experience as a Partner (Portuguese)


What more?

Short reminder about our Guided Answers. SAP Business One Support has of today released 28 different GAs. Find all of them here: Guided Answers

The community – we are there, use the support engineers and your peers knowledge to your advantage.

The Support Spotlight Blogs – find them here: Tips from SAP Business One Support 

That'll be all for now. Looking forward to seeing you in the next session. 

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