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Ongoing issue with SAP Cloud for Customer server-side integration for Microsoft Outlook and Google

There are currently ongoing issues for customers using Server-side integration for Microsoft Outlook and Google.

Visits and appointments are deleted in SAP Cloud for Customer and Exchange mailbox, and/or unexpected cancellations are being sent to meeting attendees in some scenarios.

Updates are available below in the Next Steps and ETA section.


  1. The root cause is a defect in Server-side integration introduced with February 2020 release. It  manifests only in the following two scenarios:

    1. Auto-sharing of Appointments or Visits is ON, AND you are running sync on ODATA API v2, AND there are at least 2 Employees in the meeting (one as organizer and one as attendee), AND attendee syncs first.In this case, Appointment may be deleted when Organizer syncs with cancellations sent to attendees.If any of condition above  is false no cancellation happens.

    2. You are running sync on ODATA API v1, AND there are at least 2 Employees in the meeting (one as organizer and one as Attendee), AND organizer syncs first.In this case when attendee syncs, Appointment may be deleted from C4C. Once organizer syncs, it’s get cancelled with cancellations sent to attendees.If any of conditions above is false no cancellation happen.

Action Taken by SAP:

  1. Synchronization is suspended for all users to minimize the impact

  2. SAP is urgently working on a fix. Once a fix is available and passes all necessary validations, the patch will be deployed to TEST and PROD environments and then synchronization will be re-enabled.


Synchronization is temporarily suspended for all TEST and PROD environments, and upon resuming will continue from the same state bringing records in sync.

If there are pending changes – they will settle at that time, and if automatic sharing of calendars or emails is used – emails will be processed upon synchronization resume, so no incremental information loss shall appear.

Next Steps and ETA:

Our development team is currently working on a fix, updates will be posted as they are available. The current plan is to provide a fix on TEST environments starting 21-February-2020 followed by re-enabling synchronization. After the fix is confirmed to be working on TEST, the same changes will be applied on PROD.


  1. Synchronization is re-enabled on all TEST environments as of 22-Feb-2020

  2. Synchronization is re-enabled on all PROD environments as of 23-Feb-2020

  3. Auto-synchronization of meetings is re-enabled on TEST and PROD environments as of 25-Feb-2020

Why isn't this communicated to customers? It isn't sufficient to only write a blog about it.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Chantal,

Thanks for the feedback. Indeed, we plan to communicate such suspensions going forward.
At the moment, infrastructure teams are working on resolving the topic urgently.

As part of the follow-up for the issue and it's root cause analysis, SAP will work on adding a process to communicate adding server-side integration status via email.

Hello Ankan,


we urge you to stop this b... right away with the blogs!

Communicate via SAP OSS / Support Launchpad directly with the incident owners and System responsible persons / admins!

Stop also to comunicate directly to the users and send emails like this to the users!



Dear xxx,

Recently, SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration did not synchronize properly.

Repeated connection attempts fail and will overload your system. So, we suspended your synchronization for the moment.

We are actively looking into this. Please help us to help you resolve this issue.

Please do the following:

1. Sign on to SAP Cloud for Customer.
2. Open the E-Mail Integration tab.
3. Review the error message in the SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration dashboard.
4. If the reason is clear and you can resolve it - please do so. Otherwise, contact your system administrator for assistance.
5. Once resolved, resume synchronization by clicking on the "Resume Synchronization" button.

Best regards,
SAP Cloud for Customer, server-side integration Team
