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Community Manager
Community Manager

Getting answers to questions is one of the primary reasons members visit SAP Community. If you participated in Q&A on our legacy platform, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with questions and answers on the new platform -- so you're ready to go in a few weeks.

After migration, you'll be able to ask and answer questions in a variety of ways. For example, you may want to enter a Q&A area directly by selecting the Product and Technology category relevant to your question:


From the menu above (once it's live), you'll see the following after selecting Technology (for example):


As you probably already guessed, you can get to the Q&A board by selecting Q&A. (Intuitive, right?)

From a Q&A board, you can ask a question by first typing it -- a step that should please those who prefer when members search for answers before asking anything. As you can see below, based on the subject of your question, you may be able to find helpful answers without asking a question at all! You just need to click the thread that most likely covers your issue.


If the recommended information isn't useful, just click the blue "Continue" button and you'll head into the question tool -- with your question's subject line already included:


The next steps are fairly straightforward. Enter your question into the body (make sure to add pictures to help other members understand what you're experiencing), select SAP Managed Tag(s) (at least one and up to seven) related to your question, then click the "Post" button. (You may also add user tags and, in some cases, select labels before posting.)

You'll find more information about tagging and Q&A in the Help section of the community groups, and we'll be adding more information in the coming weeks.

If you're not in a Q&A board, you'll still have opportunities to ask a question. From many areas within the site, you'll see a blue "Create a Post" or "Create New Content" button, depending on where you are. Clicking one of those blue buttons defaults to the tool for starting a discussion:


If you want to ask a question, you still can. Simply go to the "Selection Location" dropdown, then click "Show All…"


From there, you can navigate to areas where you can ask a question. You can, for example, select Technology Q&A (as shown below), and that triggers the same process where you enter your question subject and so on.


From any question thread within the community, you can also get started with the "Ask a Question" box on the right:


Once your question is live, members will be able to leave comments (if they require more details) or answer (if they know the solution). Here's an example of me doing all that by talking to myself in the test environment:


Depending on your subscriptions and notifications preferences, you'll be notified when someone responds to your question. Within the question thread, you'll be able to expand or collapse comments and answers/replies. You'll also be able to respond yourself and indicate when you've received a correct answer -- by choosing "Accept as Solution." (Accepting the correct solution is considered good community etiquette as it shows your appreciation for the member who assisted you, while also helping other members with similar questions -- as they'll be able to identify the solution to the same problem.)


Once a question has an accepted solution, the thread will update with a "Go to solution" link -- for the convenience of anyone who doesn't want to read through an entire thread looking for the best answer.


On the flip side of Q&A is answering, and as noted earlier, you can leave comments (if the question isn't clear), reply to an answer (to provide more detail), or answer (if you have the solution).

To find questions to answer, you can subscribe to areas that interest you (so you're notified when questions come in), or if you prefer to look around, you can keep on eye on various activity feeds throughout the community…


…as well as look for questions in tag feeds:


Want to drill down into the specifics? From any Q&A board, you'll see options to sort by all, open, and resolved questions, as well as by your own questions and answers.


Clicking on the "My Questions and Answers" link within the Q&A Dashboard will even take you to a page where you can show your questions or answers for a single board or all boards. Just make your selection from the "Show only" dropdown:


Whether you like asking questions, answering questions, or both, you'll have several options for jumping into Q&A in our new platform. Considering how much value community answers provide to SAP users everywhere, we look forward to your Q&A contributions when we finish our migration later this month!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

is posting blogs now disabled for users who previously had access?

Active Contributor

I was previously a member of the SAP Enable Now community; now it looks like that doesn't exist and instead I have to rely on Tags (of which there were several for SAP Enable Now) within the HCM Community? Is that right? And if so, if I want to see / follow multiple tags in a single feed, how do I filter on multiple tags at the same time, because I only care about SAP Enable Now within HCM and not all the other stuff in the same community.  And how do I search for specific tags? There's 22 pages of tags available, and it's only letting me click on one to show results for that...

Active Contributor

I used to frequently visit the old Q & A website and had followed the SAP Managed Tag of "SAP BusinessObjects - Web Intelligence (WebI)" to see if there were new questions that I might be able to answer. I cannot figure out how to do that in the new system.

I tracked down a question I had answered awhile ago and clicked on the SAP BusinessObjects - Web Intelligence (WebI) SAP Managed Tag link. That takes me to a page that shows "posts". Are questions now "posts"? How can I browse the SAP Managed Tags?




What I really hate is, that after this big migration, SAP didn't enable the "Stay connected" option. Having to log in every day (or multiple times per day) is extremely annoying. We are in 2024!

Multiple times I have stopped liking a post or saying thanks to helpful posts, because I had to log in to do so.

Enabling users to quickly and easily provide feedback should be the first priority on a community.

Active Contributor

I see this post became a feedback place. So I would like to point about not very good UI/UX experience after te migration to Community platform.

Lets say I want to explore what is happening in "ABAP Development" community (Q&A posts). And here you can see what it looks like from user point of view 😞
The green is what is interesting to me (the content itself), yellow is wasted space:


Active Contributor

In general I like the design, everything looks good, but it is true that at the level of usability, there are shortcomings.

Usually SAP consultants focus on a few SAP products (if not one) and we can not consider ourselves "specialists" in a large number of products, so it is useful to have a community per product.

For example, when entering the SAP Datashpere community, and visiting a question in the Q&A section, all the links lose the context of "SAP Datasphere community", they are already generic links that points to see "all the technology Q&As", etc.


And the only way to get back to the DSP community page is with the browser "back".
Which also means that the page is not up to date.

The "Top Kudoed Posts", "Top Kudoed Authors" sections are generic and not from the SAP Datasphere community. And I think it doesn't help to mix posts and Q&A in the same list either.

I have the feeling of being "less community", and that there are less facilities for those of us who usually enter to help other consultants with their doubts in the Q&A section. Of course there are many good things in the new platform, but there are things to improve.

Active Contributor

Hey @jerryjanda , the old community site offered RSS feeds for topics. We now have labels here, but they don't seem to have an associated RSS feed. Only the "Categories" seem to have one (e.g. "Supply Chain Management"), but not the topics (e.g. "UI5"), nor the labels (e.g. "SAP BTP").

So essentially my question is:

how do I best subscribe to all blogs (no matter whether they're from SAP employees or Community members") for a certain technology/framework by RSS (e.g. "all blog posts tagged 'UI5'")?

Thanks for any pointers, V.

Active Contributor

I posted an improvement request that covers some of the feedback that I read here. Please vote for it, and/or submit your own IRs.

Active Contributor

"...you may be able to find helpful answers without asking a question at all! You just need to click the thread that most likely covers your issue."

This same feature was introduced in the previous platform, in 2016. Back then it worked the same way, without any relevance filtering. It was useless back then, and SAP took some two years to figure this out, and fix it so it became usefull.

Now we are back at square one. How long will it take to make this usefull this time around?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

To @lorraineyao (et al):

> is posting blogs now disabled for users who previously had access?

I was able to begin a draft in the Welcome space, though I believe that other areas on the new platform may have per-user restrictions on posts. If you can't find the "post article" path, that is one issue; if you can create a draft but not publish that is a different issue.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi,  @lorraineyao :

If you had blogging rights before, you should still have them. Just keep in mind that in certain areas (e.g., Groups), curators/owners have the right to decide whether your post is appropriate. Please see https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/what-you-need-to-know-about-blogging-post-migration/ba-p/309... for more information.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @DirkManuel:

Do you mean the SAP Enable Now topic page? If so, you can still follow that: https://pages.community.sap.com/topics/enable-now.

You can still subscribe to tags and get notifications for them. If you want to find just the SAP Enable Now questions in the HCM QA board, I believe you'll have to go to https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+Enable+Now/pd-p/73554900100700001245 and scroll through the content to see which SAP Enable Now questions appeared in Human Capital Management Q&A

You may have to play around a little to find the right sort of feed for you, but if my colleagues or I can think of other options, I'll make sure to share.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @nscheaffer:

Yes, the new platform considers both blogs and questions as "posts."

If you go to https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+BusinessObjects+-+Web+Intelligence+%252528WebI%252529/... you'll be able to scroll through the latest posts and identify which are questions based on where they appear. For example, you'll notice that most of the posts show up as "in Technology Q&A." That means they are SAP BusinessObjects - Web Intelligence (WebI) questions that appear in the Technology area of the site.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor

@jerryjanda Thanks for your response. Yes, I found the SAP Enable Now topic page; previously the 'content' and 'questions' were separate tabs on the same page, which was very convenient. Now, there's no direct link to the questions from the Topic page - although maybe I can find someone with admin access to that Topic page to add a link...

...Yes, I found the Q&A link exactly as you have it. Not quite an easy-to-mention URL, but I guess most people will bookmark it. Problem is you can only search on one tag, when there are currently three SAP Managed Tags for SAP Enable Now...and maybe a few user tags...

And finally...and this is a good example...how do you reply to a reply? (So it is shown below the reply it refers to.) It looks like now we only have a flat, chronological list of all replies to the post - so how can I easily follow a trail of my comment, your response to it, and then my response to your response? There's everyone else's comments, and your responses to those, mixed in... UPDATE: Either fixed, or I just figured it out - 'Show replies' even if there aren't any, and then you can enter a threaded comment there.

I don't mean to be only negative...certainly the interface is 'lighter'. But nobody likes change (my main job is really change management, so I should be better at handling it myself) and at the moment it's looking like a reduction in functionality (which, ironically, is a lot of what people complain about when moving from ECC 6 to S/4... 😉

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @DiegoValdivia:

We agree. We're aware of this issue, and we are investigating. I'll report back once I have an update.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor

Hi @jerryjanda,

I have two questions regarding the Q&A:

1. Today I've got this E-Mail Notification for a question that I'm following:

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 07.47.13.png

when I click the link:

It opens the question but doesn't navigate to the actual reply. That Is maybe related to my second topic:

2. When they are replies to a question or answer there is the "Show replies" text. Only when I click it I can see the replies. Is there an option that I can set in the platform to show everything at once? 

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 07.49.32.png
Does anyone have a pointer on what the arrow UX design is based on? I would rather use the same pattern as in the VS Code explorer and use > when something is closed and the arrow down when it's open.

Best Regards

Active Contributor

Hi @jerryjanda,

How long will it take SAP to reimplement all the quality of life functionality on the new platform, that it took them 3 years to do after the previous migration?

Here a practical example of how the new platform's functionality is as useless as it was in 2016 after the previous migration:

I received this slighly cryptic private message:

Johan_H_0-1706685516255.png Let us try to find what this is about. My guess is that this user is asking about an old post of theirs. Perhaps I replied to it, perhaps someone else with a similar name.

First let's search for the post, assuming/hoping that the title of the message is the title of the post ("PO expediting report"). I am only active in SAP Business One Q&A:

Johan_H_1-1706686068947.pngPlease note, where I am when I enter the search term, and then check the tags of the inline search results.

Next we press enter on the search:

Johan_H_2-1706686291143.pngSurprise surprise, the same useless search results, that have nothing to do with SAP Business One. The only thing I learned from this was that currently there is no post with that exact title. Oh, and I just lost five minutes of my life that I will never get back.

The user name (D12) is useless after the migration. I have no idea who this is. It may be someone I have helped out a lot, I wouldn't know. It may also be a case of mistaken identity on their part, because my user name is equally undistinctive.

Their profile is of no help:

Johan_H_3-1706686764941.pngNo name. No posts. No real date of when they joined the community.

Perhaps this message is some sort of spam? On the previous platform, you could only send private messages to people after their approval. That wasn't an entirely perfect solution either, but it did stop spam perfectly. Does this platform have some sort of spam guard, or is SAP planning on implementing one?




  1. I know you cannot reply to this comment (hint, hint, wink, wink).
  2. Is OneUX (or whatever it was) still a design goal for the SAP websites? I was going to look it up, remembering mentioning the correct term in a reply of mine back in 2016 or 2017. Let's see:
    Johan_H_4-1706687699987.pngWould you please be so kind and click that 'View more' button some 22000 times?
  3. I am having déjà vu something fierce, and I am getting depressed by the prospect of waiting years for this new "better" platform to even become equally as good as the previous.

Sorry for the long rant, here is a picture of a potato:



Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for your feedback, @Tomas_Buryanek. We've been compiling input and questions, to determine the best way to move forward and communicate back on a broader scale.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @XaviPolo:

Thank you very much for your feedback.

If I follow your steps, I believe you're trying to find tag-specific content from a product category. While that's certainly possible, if you just want the SAP Datasphere content, you may want to subscribe to its tag and check its feed (if you don't already). (Please see https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+Datasphere/pd-p/73555000100800002141.) 

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi @jerryjanda 

I am not receiving any email notifications when SAP users post blogs under certain area's even though I am subscribed. I also have issue's following topic pages, and get thrown back to the home page of Community. Is this a bug?


Andrew Ford

Active Contributor

Hi @jerryjanda 

I'm sorry, but I don't quite understand.

From the Datashpere community (link ) there is a "community questions" link that leads to https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+Datasphere/pd-p/73555000100800002141 
On this screen I see messages about Datasphere, but as I said, Top Kudoed Posts, Top Kudoed Authors are general, they are not from the datasphere community (if that exists in this system).

If I open any post from that list (which are from datasphere), for example this,  I will see the detail, but it happens as described in my previous message, the navigation bar is generic and takes you to the Technology QA (link), not to the previous page where I was that have only of datasphere posts. (same happens to me using your link)

I think the problem is there is no such concept of "datasphere community", it just gives direct access to pages filtering by tags, there is no entry in SAP Community, as there is for "Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A",, etc


And regarding the messages, mixing Q&A and blogs, at least for me, does not suit me, I do not see the advantage and I see more difficulty in getting to where I want to go.

The list of most viewed posts ... well, two years ago a post was seen a lot, and now it is probably outdated (this is a technology site) I don't see the utility either. I'd rather have 2 separate sections for Q&A and Blogs than Latest Posts and Top Posts.

At least for me it leaves a bittersweet taste, I usually come a lot to help but in this new system I miss more sense of community.

PS: to make a quote of your answer and keep the context, I had to do it by hand, there is no such option on the platform ... really someone decided to have a single level of comments/answers and not add the quotes per message?, how do you clarify in this post :-)?


Hi, @XaviPolo:

Thank you very much for your feedback.

If I follow your steps, I believe you're trying to find tag-specific content from a product category. While that's certainly possible, if you just want the SAP Datasphere content, you may want to subscribe to its tag and check its feed (if you don't already). (Please see https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAP+Datasphere/pd-p/73555000100800002141.) 

Kind regards,



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @vobu :

Your best option is to subscribe to the tag, such as the one for SAPUI5 (https://community.sap.com/t5/c-khhcw49343/SAPUI5/pd-p/500983881501772639608291559920477). You can then check the tag feed or set up notifications so you receive an update whenever new content is created with that tag.

Unfortunately, there is no way to sort by content type (blog vs. question), but the content in the feed does show whether it's in a blogging area or Q&A. And since several people are requesting the ability to sort by content type, we are going to look into that. I just couldn't make any predictions about when/if it will be delivered, but we are gathering feedback (such as your comment).

Kind regards,


Active Contributor

I have the same questions as in other comments.

1) I would like to read the blog posts about ABAP Development. Previously, I used RSS feed for the tag. How do I do that now on this platform?

2) Similarly, I would like to answer open questions about ABAP Development. How do I find them? This post does not explain it.

There are areas, boards, groups, posts, labels, tags, what does all this stuff mean now? I know that ever sprawling tag management has been a challenge before but now it looks like we went to another extreme and all the content is just dumped into 2-3 piles. This would be manageable for a quaint community for a PC game but we're talking the enormous SAP ecosystem here.

Y'all know I've been on SD/SCN/whatever for a long time. I am a survivor of 2 migrations. 🙂 Some of the people in charge of SCN now have been through this too. It's not our first rodeo. I'm just having trouble understanding how someone could look at this functionality, at ridiculous "Technology" "area" and be like "this is fine" meme.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @DirkManuel

I'm afraid that those feeds are no longer available on the topic pages. 

And it's OK to be "only negative." We're gathering all of the feedback, good and bad, so we can prepare more comms to clear up confusion and determine where improvements can be made. (And I certainly don't need to explain the challenges of change management to a change-management expert.) We only ask that members respond to us politely (per the rules of engagement, which, sadly, some members seem to forget the minute they see an SAP logo next to a name), and you've certainly been polite. I appreciate that. Truly.

I've been working on the community for nearly 10 years now, and I've made many great friends here. I want it to work well as much as anyone. Not just because it's my job. Because I genuinely love this place and its people.

So keep the comments and questions coming, negative or otherwise! In the meantime, I know you've had other questions elsewhere, and my colleagues and I will continue to try to answer you. One of them might be getting back to you about your badges question soon, in fact...

(And for everyone else replying here and elsewhere...I'm not forgetting you. I'm getting back to people as quickly as I can.)

All the best,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Update: I was able to edit my previous comment and uncheck the "Email" check box. Interestingly, when I chose to edit this comment to add this update the "Email" check box was check again.


How do I stop getting emails with every comment if I overlooked unchecking this checkbox when I posted an earlier comment? Do I need to delete my previous comment?






Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @gregorw:

I believe the replies will always collapse by default, and I'm unaware of any way to make them expand automatically and permanently -- which is probably why the notifications don't take you to the comment. That being said, if I'm able to find out otherwise, I'll report back. For now, I can capture your feedback (along with your suggestion about the down arrow).

Kind regards,



Very useful info for the newbies to ask questions!

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @Andrew_Ford :

Can you please give a few examples of content that should be triggering notifications that didn't? Keep in mind that we did have to shut off notifications a few times, so you wouldn't have received notifications during those periods. 

Also, please make sure that you have your settings set up so that you'll get the notifications as you would expect them https://community.sap.com/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/personal-profile.

I'm afraid it's no longer possible to follow a topic page. The follow button on topic pages will now take you the relevant category or tag.

Kind regards,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Thank you for the information! 

As an example, I follow the ERP boards for both blogs by members blogs by SAP and have those subscriptions checked, both still don't get email notifications pushed. I checked my personal profile and should be receiving email notifications. 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @XaviPolo:

OK, I see your point. On the category/group levels, those boxes show "top" authors, etc., within the context of the area. But the tag feeds appear to show "top" stuff from across the site, regardless of the tag. Not sure why that is, but I am investigating. 

And your point about mixing content types per tag is also understood. I am working on sharing more information about this in a What's New post, as this is a common request (and one that the site does require).

RE: your final point, there is no way to thread/quote comments in the replies in these posts. 

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager

Yes, not my first rodeo, @Jelena_Perfiljeva.

It's still possible to subscribe to tags, and we think most people will find the content that way or directly via search (as they always have). The categories/groups provide a home for the content...but not exclusively. People don't have to drill down into the content that way, although it's certainly an option for members who prefer things grouped a certain way. (The Industry groups, for example.)

So, to your point, we do need to provide options that will allow people to sort tags by content type (blog posts vs. questions) -- with other options (such as making it easier to find the most recently published content...not just content with recent activity). I'll be addressing these points and more in a What's New post that I'll be sharing this week.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @nscheaffer:

Not sure if what described above fixed your email problems. If not, you can also modify email, notifications, and subscriptions preferences from your settings area: https://community.sap.com/t5/user/myprofilepage/tab/personal-profile.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor

@jerryjandaHow do we even post questions about the community website itself? On SDN/SCN, we had forums by subject, so you'd find the Community forum and then post a question there. After 2016 migration, we had tags. So one would use Ask Question, then select Community tag and enter it.

Now I don't have a faintest idea. There are no forums, there is no button to ask a question. There is no link to Q&A on home page. How did anyone envisioned this platform to work? I don't understand...

There are quite a few issues with the new platform and no clear way to ask about it or submit feedback. This is just what I've noticed so far.

Big potatoes:

1. Complete lack of structure for content. No one wants to follow "technology" or "posts". Everyone has a specialty, so we are interested in specific content. Previous tags supported that. Now it's just a huge mess.

2. On top of that, "recent posts" seems to be going by whatever most recent activity happened related to the "post". Someone posts a comment on a blog from 2021 or on a question from 2009? Off to the top of the chart it goes? Who wants to consume the content like that? There are 3 millions of posts, according to home page!

Medium sized potatoes:

3. Comment structure is now "flat", it's not clear who's replying to what. On every decent platform (LI, Slack comes to mind) it's impossible to have "threads" of replies. It was possible before and it was rather useful.

4.Labels listed next to each blog post now are utterly useless. I can't even express the level of junkiness here.

Small (but not less important) potatoes:

5. There seems to be a limit to the user name length. I've tried to change mine to full name but I'm unable to enter it. It just cuts off at "Jelena Perfilje" and won't let type in anything.

6. Migrated blog posts have very weird formatting, there is random empty space in the middle yet space around the headers is missing.


Please bring back RSS feed based on SAP managed tags. 
RSS feeds are a robust and convenient technology to consume information from various sources. 
RSS feeds are only available on broader groups but if I just want to get notified on specific tags... it's currently not possible. And no, I don't want to visit this site on daily basis to see whats new.  

I also want to emphasize on Jelenas big potatoes.

1. I don't want to follow ERP if I am only interested in certain SAP tags.
2. The recent feature seems to be broken. Even my notifications are showing me I gained several stuff in the last week (spoiler: I did not) and people have answered on my blogs or my replies? This is confusing and not usable to help others in the SAP community. 
3. My name is also longer as the possible display name. Why is there even such a short limit on a name? This is not reddit with nick names, most of the time it makes sense to have your full name shown as people recognize you with your full name.

And yeah, bring back RSS feeds on SAP managed tags. Thanks.


Active Contributor

More from "bad UX design 101" department.

1. When I try to post an answer to a question, I'm taken to a separate tab with answer field on top and the original question at the bottom. This is the weirdest setup... People read from top to bottom. And now we don't see any previous replies while answering. This is not very productive.

2. "Accept as Solution" button is clickable for me on every answer, including my own and random posts from 2020. Why? The person asking questions is the only one who can decide this. If everyone starts accepting solutions, how would this help?

3. When browsing a random question, this appears in "Latest Posts". I clicked out of curiosity and this is a question from 2020 that had no interaction since then: https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-q-a/po-receiver-rest-adapter-http-400/qaq-p/12247286/comment...


4. While looking at the question, we cannot see what subject it belong to. The tags used to be shown prominently in the previous platform and it was very helpful to understand the context. Now, we have "Ask a Question" (why is it there? have there been some behavior studies showing asking another question is a typical usage pattern?). And "Recommendations" is, of course, random collection of... something. I'm sure that 2016 post was super helpful in 2020.


5. Oh wait, found the tags! They're cleverly hidden between the end of the question and the answers. There is "Show replies" with a button that looks like there is something underneath if you click on it. (Because that's how these icons work everywhere else.) But no, fooled you again! There aren't any "replies" and instead you see an empty text box to enter a "comment" (or is it a "reply"?).


I think I'll take a break now until support pack 1 comes out.

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Thank you for the examples, @Andrew_Ford. In this post, I shared a few workarounds I tried when I discovered that I wasn't getting notifications for my SAP Community tag subscription: https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla.... I'm not sure if it would help with your issues with the board subscriptions, but please try and see if it makes a difference. In the meantime, we are investigating whether there are any bugs with subscriptions/notifications...or if it's maybe just a misunderstanding about how certain settings work.

Kind regards,


0 Kudos

How i can find old link?

What you cannot do with an S/4HANA conversion project | SAP Blogs


Whi does is old link not work&!?

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @R_Zieschang:

I address items 2 and 3 (Recent Activity and display names) in this post: https://community.sap.com/t5/what-s-new/addressing-common-questions-and-complaints-about-the-new-pla...

Beyond that, we are exploring how to make tag feeds more selective (in terms of how content is sorted), but I'm not sure how that might apply to RSS feeds. For now, I've captured all of your feedback.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor

Hi @jerryjanda,

thanks for riding this train along so openly 😁

By the amount of requests only in this thread, it's become clear that RSS subscriptions on managed and unmanaged tags as well as on "blogs only" is a highly thought-after functionality that we'll hopefully get soon™.

But I'd like to also re-iterate the demand for a more fine-grained breakdown of the "Technology Category". There's just too much diverse technology within SAP products to summarise it all unter a "Technology" section. This doesn't do justice to the great effort of many community members, both from inside and outside SAP, who blogged on manifold tech topics on blogs.sap.com, providing invaluable help for all SAP technologists out there. Please make this possible again by introducing actual technology categories to the "Technology category" 😸!

Thanks, V.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

@Dpbrov I suggest you check with the author via LinkedIn. I found their 2020 post there, with trivial searching. They may have removed their content (so the SAP community team has no bearing).

Active Contributor


...but because of the level, useless. Also MY COMMENTS filter would be nice.

On a usefull level = tag level:




Hi Jerry, i just tried to delete a post/comment which I created before the migration. I can see in my profile that it is still connected to my user and I can edit it. I'ld like to delete it. But I cannot find a way to delete it. Maybe i'm just missing something here? Thanks

Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

Hi, @Dpbrov:

The author removed the post. She's working on a new version that she plans to publish.

Kind regards,


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

So, yes, @JimSpath was correct. (Didn't see his comment/suggestion until after I responded to you, @Dpbrov ). 🙂


Community Manager
Community Manager
0 Kudos

You're welcome, @vobu. And thank you for your patience.

The Products and Technology categories are based on SAP's overall taxonomy, and the content that migrated into that areas was mapped according to their tags. As I've explained in some other comments, though, I don't anticipate that all users will drill down into the content via these top-level categories. Most traffic comes via search and tag feeds, so your point about the consumption of tags is spot-on and something that we do need to address.

Please keep in mind that anyone creating content is free to place it in any category he or she thinks is appropriate. Again, the categories are there because the content needs a home, and the categories have to be somewhat broad. Changes in that categorization would need to happen on a company/Branding level. It wasn't an approach that the community took arbitrarily, and we can't expand those categories at the moment. But if you'd like to think of tag feeds as a sort of category, we can do a better job there for sure.

Kind regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

thanks for explaining and clarifying @jerryjanda on the topic of the "Categories". So I take it "Technology" is never going to be detailed any further. This is very unfortunate. By the same logic, the "Categories" could just be "Modules" and "Technology" and it would still fulfil the taxonomy you explained. 

Anyway, let's hope that with the concentration on "tags", we're getting a better structure into the vast tech content category.


Dear SAP


Again a new interface...again to learn where are the buttons and options...


Former Member
0 Kudos

There was an issue with my Universal User-ID. Now, I'm not longer connected with my old Community User. All Blogs only have the name "former_member183685" instead of my name. For sure, I'm also not longer able to edit my blogs. What can I do to connect my user now with my Community User so that I have access to my blogs again as author?

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

@Former Member please contact community@sap.com for assistance

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @dominik_zed:

I'm afraid we can no longer give members the ability to delete their own content.

The new platform doesn't have the ability to allow members to delete certain types of content. It's all or nothing. So if we give you the ability to delete your comments, we would also need to give you the ability to delete your blog posts and questions. The issue with deleting those latter types of content: They might have comments and answers, and if they do and you delete your content, you would effectively be deleting other members' content too (e.g., their comments and/or answers on your posts) -- and that would cause problems under the new DSA regulations.

If you need something deleted, your only option is to report it as inappropriate content (with details explaining why it needs to come down), and then our moderation team would need to review the alert.

Kind regards,
