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By now, you are using the new SAP ONE Support Launchpad to engage with SAP Support, access support applications, and manage your SAP products. Did you know that you can streamline your problem-resolution process even further by using our new Expert Chat functionality?


The Expert Chat program is built right into the incident form for your convenience.  To get started, just begin the process of submitting an incident, filling in the relevant information about your problem or question.  Then, if a support engineer is available for the selected component, you will see a green “Start Chat” button next to the “Submit” button in the incident screen:



You will be immediately connected with a knowledgeable SAP support expert who will work with you to answer your question or resolve your issue right away. The information you’ve entered into the incident field will be transferred to the support engineer to aid in the resolution of your issue.  The support representative will create an incident for you containing your chat transcript and, if unable to resolve your issue immediately, they will continue the incident submission process for you.  There is no duplication of effort!


Keep in mind, if you do not see the Start Chat button in your incident wizard, either there is no available engineer at that time or Expert Chat has not been rolled out yet for your selected component.


Click here to read FAQs and more>>>


This innovation is just another part of our commitment to improving your support experience.  Let us know in the comments about your experience with Expert Chat support!


Jamie Cantrell

Client Communications Manager

SAP Customer Experience


This is a wonderful way of live support. It would reduce cycle time and help SAP and customer both in many ways.
Thanks for sharing it.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thanks Sanjeev, this is also what we believe and experience, at least for a certain share and type of issues. So let´s go for it!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hey Jamie,

this sounds like a very nice feature (and I agree that from an end user point of view indeed it is), however, if I understood it's implications correctly it's a no-go for VAR-Partners:

Every little chat will create an incident, that counts towards "correction share", thus putting the VAR-Status in jeopardy!

So: Nice feature for end-users but really dangerous for VARs!



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

This is Wonderful solution but not available to all yet... I can not see Stat Chat button on screen.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi yogesh,

some functional areas have not gone live yet, this might be the reason - but they will soon. We´ll followup with you checking out on the specific area!



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Hi Yogesh,

Bernhard is exactly right.  Some components have not yet been rolled out to chat, but we will see some big rollouts coming in the next two weeks.  Chat support for various components have been rolling out progressively for quite a while, but by the end of the month, we should see the majority available.  Have you tried a few different components to see if you can see the Start Chat button for some, if not others?

Also, there is the possibility that at the time you tried to start your chat, the support engineers were busy assisting other customers and were not available to start a chat at that time.  This would also result in not seeing the Start Chat button.

Let me know!



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Joachim,

To be frank, I'm not an expert on the VAR partner experience, but I can ask the Chat team to see if they can provide any best practices advice here.  Thanks, as always, for your contribution to the discussion!



0 Kudos

Of course please take into account that there is no possibility to analyze complex problems via chat, which would very likely require SAP Support to log into the customer's system to check exactly what happens and also be aware that questions like system configuration consulting will be handled similarly to the way it goes via Incidents in my opinion.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Thanks Jamie, really interesting tool for SAP direct customers;

Is there any plan to allow that chat tool for indirect customers that are supported by a VAR partner ?

That customers can't access to SAP incidents trough the Launchpad, they need to use the partner solution manager,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Why not? Even if it takes 1-2 hours of joint analysis, with screen sharing - this is still sooo much faster, in gross and net time, compared with an incident...

well all learn to use it in the best possible way for the community!

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Luis,

I've asked the chat team to weigh in on yours and Joachim's questions/comments.  I'm hopeful they can share some more information for us on the VAR Partner best practices around chat.



Active Contributor

Hi Karoly,

Chat can be used an alternative for the incident process for whatever questions or issues you're having.  You'll be connected directly with a support engineer with the opportunity to investigate and resolve your issue right away - simple or complex.

If, for some reason, the engineer is not able to resolve the issue, then, yes it will be handled like an incident and routed to the appropriate team (member) for further investigation.  However, it's important to understand that chat support is not intended as an answering service or call processing-type interaction.  You will be connected with a real, live SAP support expert who is trained in the component you are contacting us about.  We expect that the majority of chat inquiries will result in resolution of the problem and the minority will require further routing to next level specialists.

I'd love to hear about your experience after trying out this new option.  We're happy to hear about ways we can improve your experience, so please be specific when letting us know what went well and what we can do better.



0 Kudos

Hi Yogesh,

It depends on the application/ solution you are using. If you have a basis related issue, you can use it. Similarily sybase, APO, CRM etc are using it already. By July wk1, most of the areas would be working on it.
Just that you need to try it out. :cool:

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Hi Luis & Joachim,

I've gotten a bit of information back from the partner team on this topic.  For right now, there are not plans established to extend chat for VAR customers and an incident initiated via chat would be billed the same as a regular incident.  Adding chat functionality to the partner solution manager is a question that is being investigated as a possibility for future offering by the team, but there is no plan for it at this time. 



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jamie!!!

We have rigth now Solution Manager 7.1 SP13 and the Incident Management scenario is Configured basically.

This scenario is being used  to create and updated the OSS incidents to  SAP.


1.Is possible activate the Beautiful CHAT FUNCTIONALITY in the incident management scenario....?

2. What is the Step By Step procedure to configure it...?

Thank you very much for your priceless helping out...!!

Kind Regards,

Jose Ignacio

Hi Joachim,

You're right, a chat session still counts as an incident and this would affect the partner's correction share if the topic of the chat session is regarded as 1st/2nd level.

That's why it is very important for VARs to request SAP to block their end customers from creating incidents.  That way, at least you can be sure your customers don't initiate incidents or chats directly with SAP. See SAP Note 1285423 for more details on this.

Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Jamie,


Thank you very much. This will be really useful.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jamie

Excellent initiative, from SAP.

Thanks & Regards


0 Kudos

I posted an incident and clicked on Start hat but got no one to answer my query. I submitted my incident as usual. can I start the chat after submitting the incident ?

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Hi Venkataramani Gopalan,

You may start a new chat by opening the incident wizard as if you were ready to submit a new incident, but it will be logged as a new incident.  In other words, you may contact Support via chat on the same topic you've already submitted an incident for, but there is not currently the option to open a chat from within an existing incident. 



Active Participant
0 Kudos
Dear SAP.

How come that the 'StartChat' bottom was available in my last two incidences, but when pressing no chat started? Is the 'StartChat' showing if no one available.

Best regards,
0 Kudos

SAP has been wonderful all through to accept and capitalise on innovative new tools even the consulting on issues is very sensitive yet this chat can be bring in a direct and more responsive tool than that laid back email incidence reporting and waiting, in that conventional method your eagerness was not relayed back to the backoffice support team to get back even faster where as on chat prompt response on burning queries can bring a little solace for important issues.. Please unfold more.
Have a god luck!

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all,

We would like to use this nice functionality but realized it does not work for us. IE died without any feedback and Chrome reported the site not to be available. Potentially respective ports are blocked and GotoAssist dies for that reason. Searching your Homepage for GotoAssist requirements (like e.g. ports) I did not find anything. Can you please collect the requirements and publish them on you hompepage?

Best regards,
Ralf Punga
Sanofi SAP CCC

hi, so i am wondering is that free support or you provide invoice for solution? 
0 Kudos
Hi guys,

So if I upload some incident and getting from SAP solutions of that issue is that free or I can expect invoice from SAP?

Thanks in advance,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hi Jelena,

not sure why I see your comment only now. No, no invoice being sent! :-). This is a new service, an additional communication channel, that is offered as part of the normal Support Services, which are covered by the normal maintenance / subsciption fees.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Ralf,

apologize for the late reply.

Please read the SAP note

2392095        Technical requirements to create a successful Expert Chat Session with SAP Product Support


Best regards,


Thank you very much
I heard its free of cost covered under maintenance contract.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Is there a list of components for which Expert Chat has been rolled out or not rolled out?

My customer is never seeing an expert available and there is no way to tell, that I am aware of, if that is due to a resource not being available or if the component does not have Expert Chat rolled out for it. If it was the latter, we could wait until it become available rather than keep trying in vain.

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Good day all,


Please Kindly assist with the error am getting while trying to update the cr content

Error: com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.exceptions.WDNonFatalException: Error preparing import: com.sap.sld.api.wbem.exception.CIMException: CIM_ERR_FAILED: CIM Error during import preparation

i contacted support and below is their response

1. if Note below is applicable to your system

2297508 - The content of uploaded file is corrupted

2. make sure that local CR content file is the same as in Service Market Place. You could compare the file size.

my reply

have done as stated in the note

0 Kudos

need to raise a very high priority ticket in SAP . need  help on  urgent basis
Former Member
In this chat also it contemplates the support in Spanish or unfortunately it is only in English?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hola Miguel Angel,


es similar con una llamada a soporte SAP - siempre se podrá usar inglés; sin embargo, si el ingeniero de SAP es español o se siente confortable con usar español, por supuesto se puede usar. Entre clientes de España o Latin America, en cuanto su chats llegan a ingenieros de SAP en Madrid por ejemplo, se usa bastante el Español.

Pruebalo 🙂 !

Un saludo cordial, Bernhard
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Kuldeep, I assume you found help meanwhile?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Right, as  stated by Raghu, it is included in and covered by the regular maintenance / subscription.
0 Kudos


how can we chat with experts , can you help me plz



Active Contributor


I know that I am a bit late to write something after more that a year.

But I want to say that this functionality is great.

I have been using it.

Thank you to the creators, implementers and Support Team that always welcomes our questions.


Thanks and Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

I m new for SAP System. Would you please guide me to install the software ?
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
I seriously appreciate the possiblity of chatting with the expert. I just notice one big problem: In all cases I used the chat and there was an incident created this incident is by default created with priority "medium."

Using the chat in the first place instead of creating an incident is a matter of speed. Despite mentioning reasons and urgency in the chat all supporters create incident with "medium" priority so the customer has to undergo the excruciating process of calling or mailing CIC, answering questions and reasons (although already given) and then CIC may or may not increase priority.

Lesson learned: Do not use the chat for urgent matters, create an incident with "high" or "very high" instead because the button "create incident out of a chat" defaults to medium.
0 Kudos
determining a solution for your issue. Please also provide me with further information regarding the


- Which BPA reports you are referring to, i.e. is it the Business Process Analysis section of EWA


- In regards to adhoc refresh, do you mean manually generating an EWA report including the BPA section

as needed rather than as per a set schedule?

Any clarification you could provide regarding the above would greatly assist in my research into your

issue and the determination of a solution for your requirement.
0 Kudos
How to configure Profit Center = Plant in the SAP?


ABAP development is required?


Or can be enable in configuration level?