***Updated January 14th, 2015 - the Mission is over but the work isn't:
see: Thanks for Caring, Giving and Inspiring in Support of Doctors Without Borders / Medicins Sans Fronti...
Three New SCN Missions in Support of MSF - I Care, I Gave, I Inspired
This year, 2014 , we launched a set of three new missions here on SCN in support of the Doctors Without Borders / Medicins Sans Frontieres program.
This SCN-wide challenge is aimed at increasing the awareness and donation for this global effort.
- 'I Care' - To complete this mission read and bookmark this blog announcing the missions and SCN members will receive the "CARE" badge.
* To donate go to the Doctors Without Borders SAP Community Donation Page and be sure to put the url to your own SCN profile in the donation comments. In addition, if you are making a donation on behalf of another SCN Member please specify the url to their SCN user name in addition to your own in the comments.
- 'I Inspired' - To complete this mission, SCN members need to perform an activity that will inspire 3 or more people to donate money to DWB/MSF.
*More details in SAP Mentor Sue Keohan’s document and those completing this mission will receive the "INSPIRE" badge.
Call to Action:
Community Caring Timeline
Background to Community Caring Activities:
- 2007- SAP Mentor nigel.james posts his blog: “Three Little Words – Change the World” .
Nigel James inspired our then SDN and BPX community to think about “giving and caring” as a community activity and prompts many of us to do so collaboratively.
- 2008- Nigel's ideas help launch a program in partnership with the marilyn.pratt/blog/2008/01/07/feeding-knowledge--a-personal-journey-part-.
- 2011 - the program further evolves under chip.rodgers' stewardship and jeanne.carboni 's program management with the “Food for Education” partnership.
Both Sue and Fred acknowledge the giving initiatives of folks like craig.cmehil, jocelyn.dart, alan.rickayzen and ginger.gatling and their personal marathons to support the organization:
MSF (Doctors Without Borders)
- 2013 - Sue creates her own : SAP Community Challenge and folks like bjoern.goerketammy.powlas3 and clint.vosloo go on a mission to get further sponsorship to do fun and funny things at ASUG Annual Conference/SAPPHIRENOW 2013 and inspire others to contribute to MSF.
- 2014 - Sue helps spearhead this three new missions on SCN and creates an additional community challenge to inspire others to participate. See details in Sue Keohan’s document.
A Sample of Donation Screen With Inspiration Documented in Comments
Thanks Sue for being my inspiration!