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Table Popin

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hi everyone.

I want to use table popin functionality in table.

because I'm a beginner in development,

I have a lot of difficulties to implement tablepopin function by

referrring related materials.

IS there another easy & better way to implement tablePopin function?

Regards bk Kim.

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Thanks for your help.

If possible, please explain required steps in detail

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Hi Bub,

Follow this thread. look at the last reply, it has step by

step info on how to create a table popin.I have tried it and it works.

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Just see this link, you will get idea about the steps to be followed:

<b>Sample tutorial</b>

hope it helps


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I solved it with your help.

but , I have a problem.

When I click popin button for one row in (the) table,

popin windows are activated for all rows.

How can I solve this problem?

Regards bk Kim.

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The Table.selectedPopin property controls whether and, if yes, which popin, is displayed for a row. The property must be linked to the data source of the table, if not a popin will appear in each row.

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Thanks for your reply.

If possible, please explain required steps in detail

Former Member
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Heres what you need to do:

1. Say this is your current node:






Add two attributes to this:






|-Popin (String)


2. Right click on the Table UI element and select Insert Popin. A popin with an ID, say Popin1 is created.

3. Insert Content in Popin1 - a text view and bind the text of this element to DataNode.Description

4. In the table properties, set the value against selectedPopin as Data.Popin

5. In your implementation, set the value of DataNode.PopinStatus to false initially (wdDoInit() of view controller).

6. On click of a row, the corresponding row popin must be displayed and on subsequent click, it must be collapsed.

7. To achieve this, in your action on lead select in the table, give this:











8. Deploy your should work just fine.

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Thanks very much Kbra.

I solved it.

Kbra, tell me how to close popin using IWDTablePopin

Regards bk Kim.