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SUM "No synchronization mechanism available" in phase SETSYNC_PREP_STARTED

0 Kudos

Hello Gurus,

after we've installed Solution Manager 7.1, we started with the upgrade to SP14 with the current SUM 1.0 SP16 (PL8).


In phase SETSYNC_PREP_STARTED in module PREP_INIT we get the error message:

"No synchronization mechanism available"

After researching we came across with the following thread:

It seems to us that the colleaque had the same problem. His solution was to use the old method of ./STARTUP with the JAVA view on port 4239 instead of the newer method of ./SUMSTART confighostagent. But i think (or hope) that there must be another solution.


1. Phases.log

1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "PREP_INIT/SETSYNC_PREP_STARTED" ("20160502100650")

2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access

4 ETQ399 System-nr = '03', GwService = 'sapgw03' Client = '000'

4 ETQ399 Environment variables:

4 ETQ399   dbs_mss_schema=sm2

1 ETQ206 Executing pre-phase DB specific actions 0/1.

1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'PREP_INIT/SETSYNC_PREP_STARTED'.

1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:

2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'PREPARE'

2 ETQ399 Arg[1] = 'STARTED'

1EETQ399 Last error code set is: No synchronization mechanism available

1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "SETSYNC_PREP_STARTED" aborted with severe errors ("20160502100650")

2. SAPup.log


...started at 20160502100650

# Setting syncpoint PREPARE=STARTED

..finished at 20160502100650 with status ABORTED.

# Error message set: 'No synchronization mechanism available'

What should we do? Do you have any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Schady Sayed

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Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Schady,

which URL did you use to start the procedure?

Kind regards, Boris

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Hello Boris,

we started the upgrade with the wrong URL. We have to use the following URL: http://host:1128/lmsl/sumjava/<SID>/dual.html

Thanks and best regards,
