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Strange behaviour in Join

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Hi. I have the following design on a Calculation View:

I'm facing a problem with the result of Join_7.

If I check Aggregation_3 and Aggregation_2, I have a dataset which has a unique key:

They Key marked in red is unique. Therefore I expect that, when joining these two aggregations. I can have all measures in one table for further processing.

This is the Join (Inner Join with no cardinality defined):

However, this joing brings the values of ber_menge and bet_wert multiplied by four.

Since there is a one-to-one relation between the two aggregation I expect to have all the values combined, and not multipled. (ber_menge should be 4577 for the first 4 records and 111,2 for records 5 to 8).

All measures in both aggregations are calculated columns, calculated before the aggregations (in previous aggregations or joins) but this only happens with these two measures.

What I tried (with no success):

  1. Change the column order in every possible way in both aggregations.
  2. Switch tables left and right in the join.
  3. Switch aggregations to projections
  4. Changed ber_menge and bet_wert agregations from SUM to MAX
  5. Union the two aggregations and then aggregate this union (got the same result, ber_menge and bet_wert multiplied by 4)
  6. Select as output key fields from Aggregation_3 instead of Aggregation_2.
  7. Add all fields on both agregation as output
  8. Use left outer, right outer, full outer join types.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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