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SI_LOCALE error when using universe as connection

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Hello there.

Not sure am I doing correctly for posting here...

I'm new to SAP and currently researching on dashboard design so I read through some articles and questions posted here. The problem is I faced error when I'm using OpenDocument with universe as connection. I saw many posts such as here, but it didn't show me any correct way. Did patch 4.0.3 really solved the problem?

Could anyone help? What is SI_LOCALE?

Best Regards,


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Former Member
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Hi Lock,

Need few more details to understand your issue in depth.

  • BO Version and Patch..?
  • Connectivity type in Dashboard (Through Add Query Browser or QAAWS)..?

Generally, this issue will happen when you use SAP SSO connection in UDT. Every time this connection needs a refresh at universe level, cause UDT can't keep credentials in cache for long time. This leads following errors like "SI_LOCALE" or "Incomplete Logon Data" etc. To UDT trust and to keep your credentials for a long while we need to do "SNC" settings configuration at Back end, reach your basis team to do this (Not sure this would be a permanent solution for your issue), Other wise go with Pre-defined connection with Generic ID if you don't have any restrictions with Data.

Alternatively, if you are with BO FP3  then you can create an OLAP connection in IDT with SAP SSO then can use in Dashboard. As IDT is STS enabled so you won't get this kind of errors as per my knowledge.

Ref Notes: 1500150, 1747311,1635878,



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Hi Raju,

I'm using SP04, my dashboard version is, build is

I'm using Add Query Browser, not QAAWS.

I didn't use any AD and SSO, I'm using secEnterprise login and I use IDT to create universe.


  1. Below is my URL syntax. Is there anything wrong?


  2. What is SI_LOCALE actually? I'll explore OLAP first and let you know the result.
  3. What do you mean by using Pre-defined connection with Generic ID?
  4. Thanks for the notes, but I don't have access to it, could you post it out? Sorry..

Thanks for the reply and please help again...



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Hi Amano,

Can you explore Data source for this requirement.. (Relational, Olap or other sources..)?

I am not talking about the way you login to IDT, though you use Enterprise ID, you should provide Database credentials to create a connection. Is that connection based on SSO or mapped to any hard coded credentials .. ? If you hard coded then we can say it is Pre-Defined Connection.

Coming to your questions:

  • I didn't see anything wrong in that URL
  • I don't have any specific definition for SI_LOCALE, but i can say this is know error will happen when we have issue with SSO based connections.
  • Generic ID is a ID where all the necessary roles have been assigned to pull data. If we hard-coded with this id in connection we can say it is Pre -Defined.
  • Attached below screen shots of notes.

Ask your basis team to access this note : 1500150



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Hi Raju,

If I used OpenDocument without creating token (which means manually login from OpenDocument login page), dashboard with universe can be worked.

It's not a SSO connection. I'm using ODBC driver to keep all the login access to DB, so does it consider as pre-defined / hard-coded connection? Correct me if I'm wrong... I think SI_LOCALE is still appearing anyway regardless of SSO matter, as long as it's universe connection.

Thanks for those notes! You rocks!

Based on the notes, can I conclude that only higher version will fix this issue?




Former Member
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HI Amano,

Yes, we can say that it is Pre-Defined/Hard Coded one. I thought data source is BW, so said in that way. You can go with Higher version but i suggest you to raise ticket before going to do this.



Former Member
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Hi Raju,

Sorry that I didn't mention it clearly before on what connection I'm using.

If SP5 could solve it, it would be great. Is it a bug in Dashboard Design SP4, since the error came out regardless of using SSO or not?

I will try for Dashboard Design SP5. If it is not fixed, I will open another message.

Thanks a lot, Raju, your help is very much appreciated.

