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When using Crystal Report in C#, a specific part of a certain image is displayed in black color

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When using Crystal Report in C#, a specific part of a certain image is displayed in black color.

This issue started occurring after the user's PC was updated to Windows 11. I tried following the link provided to resolve the issue, but the problem persists.


Even converting the image to PNG, JPEG, or other codecs in C# didn't resolve the issue.

I know using 'Retaion Original Image Color Depth' in the template file's report option will solve it, but there are too many template files, so turning this on one by one is not feasible.

Is there any way to handle this issue through programming code or PC settings?....

I just don't know what to do... Please help me



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Active Contributor

Firstly what SP are you using?

Upgrade to SP 35 from here:

Note, if you are using VS 2022 you need to use the EXE for that version, below VS 2022 use the other installer.

Note also the EXE's are to integrate into VS, MSI packages are for distributing your app only.

I ping R&D to see if they can suggest anything.

Possibly .NET and this may work for you:

public System.Windows.Forms.ColorDepth ColorDepth { get; set; }
Member of System.Windows.Forms.ImageList


Update: R&D noticed the issue also and will try to fix it, may be too late for SP 36 now.


Active Contributor
Update: R&D noticed the issue also and will try to fix it, may be too late for SP 36 now.