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Unable to post in the trial demo


Hello team!

I have a bisare situation where I am not able to finalize mi CPI trial, After creatin my slack application with a post method I should be able to create my own channel via the post method and then send a message to that channel.

In swagger I am able to create the channel but not able to post into it, which is more than bizare, since the post worked in the first place, I'm using the correct channel id an api key.

I'm receiving a 400 error. I following the validation schema and creating only a simple message.

Body of the request


"text": "test123"


Any help is highly appreciated.

Kind Regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi cpiburner,

What do you mean by "finalize mi CPI trial"? Could you please edit your question and enter more details so we can clearly understand which products are involved and what would be the expected results and which tests have you done so far?

Best regards,

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Hi Everyone,

I too face the same issue. We are trying to complete the course on SAP Integration suite - CLD900e_EN_Col19.

The handsOn exercise instructs us to create and deploy Slack API on API management portal. Unfortunately the API does not allow us to post message on the Slack channel and we are unable to complete the course HandsOn exercise.

This is a prerequisite step to complete the final scenario - Create and deploy integration scenario to consume Slack API via API management.

Thank you.

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The API returns a HTTP 400 error stating there is a missing OAuth permission between the Connector and Slack. Add the "chat:write" scope to the OAuth list on the Open Connector configuration and then re-authenticate it.

Once you've done this the API to post a message into a channel should work ok (it did for me).

Kind regards,



Hello Paul,

It worked for me 🙂

thanks a lot! (y)

0 Kudos

Thanks Paul! It worked for me.