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Hybrid App Frameworks compatibility

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Hello people.

I was looking for information about this, but I couldn't find too much.

I need to create an app that will be connected to HANA on SMP or HANA Cloud Platform, and maybe more backends, the question is, should I follow SAP standards with UI5, Kapsel, or can I use a framework like ionic+angular?


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Hi Manuel,

You can use REST API and develop apps without the SMP SDK (Kapsel/native) but you will not get all the benefits of SMP in that case. I would recommend to use Kapsel SDK for hybrid apps (Cordova) and Odata native SDK for native apps.

I don't know about the ionic framework, but if it's based on cordova and supports cordova plugins you can use kapsel plugins (kapsel SDK) to develop your app.

Regards, Midhun

SAP Technology RIG

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Oh, perfect, in fact, it is based on Cordova.

I will need to use OData, so knowing this is good thing.

So, if I already have a hybrid app on HTML5+js based on Cordova, I can use Kapsel and get full SMP benefits?


Active Contributor
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Hi Manuel,

You are right, Kapsel is nothing but a set of Cordova plugins which are developed by SAP. You can use it in any Cordova based applications just like other Cordova plugins.

Kapsel plugins supports ios (7-8), android (4-5) and win phone/win 8.1 (no support for win 8).

Regards, Midhun

SAP Technology RIG

0 Kudos

Perfect, thank you!