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MPC changed in 1809

Former Member
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Hello Experts ,

I have an OData service redefined in S4Hana 1610. Now with upgrade to 1809 after importing transport packages, I found the OData service MPC got changed with addition of new complex types resulting in issues with calling up the extended/original service. Can anyone help how to tackle the issue.

Best Regards,


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

You can check in the following blog what objects are transported

(see Appendix).

Or similar Information can be found here

where I describe how to move objects from $tmp into a transportable Development class.

This should help you to find out whether the SEGW Project (R3TR IWPR ) is part of your transport.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hey Andre,

I believe we have included the objects mentioned in the transports.

From the issue point of view I get error "Output node entity type 'yyy' for function import 'yyyy' is disabled" in the 1809 when trying to load metadata from original or extended service. I see the some of the original/standard OData service MPC methods are red and not activated (which includes the function import I mentioned).

I was thinking I dont need to have the new function imports or complex types defined in my trasnported MPC classes. Should I need to activate or enable anything else in the 1809. Please suggest.

Best Regards,
