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Mapping Customfields

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we have created a custom field in SAP Marketing Cloud.

It is called partner type. This partner type is a standard field in CRM on premise.
We got informed that the partnertype is not standard in yMKT and therefore we have created the before mentioned customfield.

Now we have released this custom field and it is available unter the SAP CRM ID Origin at the contact.

Now we need to do a mapping between the SAP CRM IDOC and the SAP Marketing Cloud IDOC structure in the SAP CPI but I do not know how to get in the YY1_PARTNERTYPE in the batch Parts Structure

Can you please share me your experience?

BR christof

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Active Contributor

Hello Christof,

Below are the few steps which might help you.

Step #1:

Navigate your IFlow and click on Resources.

Step #2:

Download the XSD schema used as target message in Message Mapping and add the below XML tag [ Sample One ]to place where you wanted inside the target structure.Upload the updated Schema in resource tab.

<xs:element nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="YY1_PARTNERTYPE">
		<xs:restriction base="xs:string" xmlns="">
			<xs:maxLength value="255"/>

Step #3:

Perform the below update then you will get a new field at target side and map the source field with respective target.

Step #4:

Update the new field in communication channel like below.

Then you are good to go with IFlow deployment.

Other way around is generating the Schema directly from communication channel in which you can avoid Step #2 by following below blog .

Hope it helps..!!


Sriprasad Shivaram Bhat