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How to find missing fields in Field explorer?

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I am updating a label created in Crystal Reports 2000 and need to add a field for expiration date whcih is supposed to show in the Field Explorer as Expiry_DT. How do I find this missing field?

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Hi joelcrystaluser, it sounds like you need to add an additional database table to your report.

  1. Go to the Database menu > Database Expert.
  2. Open the connection that the report is based on. If you're not sure which one this is, exit the DB Expert, refresh the report, and go back into the DB Expert and you'll see one with a connected icon.
  3. In the connection go to Tables and double-click on the one that should have your date field and go to the Links tab and press Auto-Arrange.
  4. Ensure that you're OK with the auto-linking and choose OK. 
  5. Your field will now be available in the Field Explorer > Database Fields.


Another way of adding a single field is via Field Explorer > SQL Expression Fields but that's sometimes not as easy as the above method.


If the field is from a table that you don't want to add into your main report, then you can also Insert > Subreport and use the Wizard to add a Subreport onto your report...that is also a bit more involved than the above.


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p.s. If it turns out that your report is based on a Stored Proc or DB View then you'll need to speak to your DBA.
0 Kudos
Completed step 1, when trying to execute step 2, the connection in which the report is based on (iqora) gives me an error message: Failed to load database information. Details: The database connector 'crdb_oracle.dll' could not be loaded. The correct version of the database client for this database type might not be installed.
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Here are some steps that you can follow regarding that error.  



  • The Oracle Client is not installed or configured correctly on the computer where Crystal Reports is installed.
    • For Crystal Reports 2013, 2016: It requires the 32bit Oracle Client.
    • For Crystal Reports 2020: It requires the 64bit Oracle Client.


  1. Install and configure the Oracle Client on the computer where Crystal Reports is installed:

    1. 1.1 Confirm which version of Oracle is supported for the version of Crystal Reports used, by reviewing the
            supported platforms document available in the SAP Knowlege Base Article 2859510 
    2. 1.2  Install the 32bit or 64bit Oracle Client on the computer based on the version of Crystal Reports installed, and the version of Oracle you are connecting to:
             - For Crystal Reports 2013, 2016:
                   - Install the 32bit Oracle Client.
             - For Crystal Reports 2020:
                    - Install the 64bit Oracle Client.
             For examples:
             - For Crystal Reports 2016, connecting to Oracle 12c, install and configure the 32bit Oracle 12c Client.
             - For Crystal Reports 2020, connecting to Oracle 19c, install and configure the 64bit Oracle 19c Client. 
    3. 1.3 Configure the Oracle Client to point to your Oracle data source.
      For assistance in installing, and configuring the Oracle Client, contact your Oracle Database Administrator, or Oracle documentation.
  2. For Crystal Reports 2013, 2016: If the 32bit Oracle Client is installed and configured, and you are still receiving the error, then it's because you may have the 64bit Oracle Client instralled on the same computer. To ensure the 32bit Oracle Client is found, then:

    1. 2.1  Add the 32 bit path to the PATH environment variable right after the 64 bit path. For example:
    2. 2.2  Set the Oracle registry key: TNS_ADMIN, to point to the location of the tnsnames.ora
             2.2.1  Start the Microsoft Windows Registry editor (regedit)
             2.2.2  Navigate to the your Oracle 32bit client registry under: 

      2.3 Right click on your Oracle folder entry, and select in the contextual menu "New - String Value"
            and create: TNS_ADMIN registry key with a value for the path to the 32 bit location of the tnsnames.ora on your hard drive.   
            Note: Do not add the key to Oracle_Home registry key for 64 bit.
Active Contributor
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If you want to go to clientless solution you might want to use the Oracle Wire Protocol which can be installed with Crystal. 

Follow the steps below and create a copy of your Crystal Report before going to the Database menu > Set Datasource Location to the new DSN.



  • To connect to Oracle without having to install and configure the Oracle Client, you can use:
    • An ODBC connection using the CR Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC driver; or
    • A JDBC connection.
  • Before using any of the above connection, first confirm the connection type is supported for the version of Oracle you are using, by looking at the Crystal Reports supported platform document available in the SAP Knowledge Base Article: 2859510
  • To create an ODBC connection using the CR Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC driver:

    1. Open the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator 32bit or 64bit depending on the version of Crystal Reports used:
      • 32bit for Crystal Reports 2013, 2016
      • 64bit for Crystal Reports 2020      
    2. In Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administartor, go under the tab "Drivers", and confirm you have the following ODBC driver:
          CR Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC Driver
      If you do not have it, then you need to modify the Crystal Reports installation, and add the Data Direct ODBC driver, which will install the CR Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC Driver. For more information, see the SAP Knowledge Base Article: 1218152
    3. If you have the CR Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC driver, then select the tab "System DSN", and create an ODBC DSN using the CR Oracle Wire Protocol ODBC driver.
      To create the ODBC DSN, you will need the following information for your Oracle Server:
      - Host Name
      - Port Number
      - Service Name
      - User Name and Password
      If you need assistance, contact your Oracle Database Administrator to request this information.
    4. In Crystal Reports, create a new report, and in the "Database Expert", under "Create New Connection", double click on "ODBC", and select the ODBC DSN you just created.